The Ultimate Arabic Resources
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Modern Standard Arabic

Publisher: University of Michigan Press
Year: 2000
ISBN-10: 0472085115
Description: If you need to acquaint yourself with the language of contracts, forms, and official letters, then this book is what you need.
"Let's Get Down to Business...Arabic Style!"
astro_man23's rating:

The Sound System of Modern Standard Arabic: A Handbook for Teachers & Learners... - Zaki N. Abdel-Malek,Shenouda Abdul-Malak

Publisher: Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Year: 1975
Description: A 78-page "rough sketch" of the sounds of the Arabic letters. Helpful if you need a nontechnical written explanation of some of the trickier letters.
"The Arabic Sounds"
astro_man23's rating:

All the Arabic You Never Learned the First Time Around... - James M. Price

Publisher: DLIFLC
Year: 1997
Availability: eBay auctions, the Internet (google it)
My 2¢: An excellent, methodical grammar written with students in mind. Once you learn the alphabet and a few greetings, you will have to face the dreaded Mount Everest that is Arabic grammar. But don't worry. This book will be more than just your compass. It is your companion on the journey to the summit. The author's student-friendly style will put you at ease and help you realize that tanwiin isn't so hard, idaafas aren't so bad, and derived forms are a piece of cake. But he'll also let you know when you need to suck it up and push through the hard parts: Measure I masdars, broken plurals, weak verb conjugations, etc. So, this book will be your pacesetter, and you can depend on it not to leave you in the dust. When you get through its 550 pages, it will have given you virtually all the grammar you will ever need to understand newspapers, broadcasts and intelligent conversations.
"A Grammar that's Actually Fun...Sort of"
astro_man23's rating:

An Introduction to Modern Arabic (Dover Language Guides)... - R. Bayly Winder,Farhat J. Ziadeh

Publisher: Dover Publications
Year: 1957 (2008 reprint)
ISBN-13: 9780486428703
My 2¢: Here's another grammar book. But unlike All the Arabic, this one will not hold your hand through the tough stuff. It is written more for linguists than for beginning students, but it does cover a great breadth of topics in about 300 pages. Essentially, this is a manual, not a textbook, of Arabic grammar. The explanations are terse and it's expected that you've had some prior exposure to the language. In my opinion, the real value of this book lies in its verb charts.
"Arabic Grammar in a Nutshell"
astro_man23's rating:

201 Arabic Verbs (201 verbs series) - Raymond P. Scheindlin

Publisher: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Year: 1981
ISBN-13: 9780812005479
My 2¢: Charts, charts and more charts. Ever wonder how to conjugate all those hollow, weak, double, double-weak, assimilated and quadrilateral verbs? Of course you have! Struggling with voice, mood and tense? Of course you are! This book offers 201 verbs as a sampling of these categories and is probably most useful for writers who want to avoid spelling errors or perfectionists with nothing better to do than conquer Arabic conjugation. Did I mention there are charts?
astro_man23's rating:

ARAMCO Arabic Language Series English-Arabic Word List... - Arabian-American Oil Company

Publisher: Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)

Availability: some copies on Amazon
My 2¢: This handy 450-page word list contains over 11,000 terms meant to provide a basic-intermediate vocabulary for ARAMCO's English speaking workers, but it serves as a great list for anyone.
"Need to Improve Your Arabic Vocabulary?"
astro_man23's rating:

Using Arabic: A Guide to Contemporary Usage - Mahdi Alosh

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2005
ISBN-13: 9780521648325
Description: This guide to Arabic usage for intermediate-level students wishing to extend their knowledge of the language focuses on Modern Standard Arabic. A vocabulary chapter shows which words are current and appropriate to different registers, while a grammar chapter offers an overview of Arabic grammar with modern-day examples. A chapter on varieties of Arabic describes linguistic variation in the Arab world. This volume will be an essential reference for students seeking to improve their fluency and confidence in Arabic.
astro_man23's rating:

Ace My Language - Arabic Edition - Jabra F. Ghneim

Publisher: Global Language Systems
Year: 2006
ISBN-13: 9780976840411
Supplement: Audio CD
My 2¢: Originally titled Ace the DLPT, this book was used as a tool to pass the Defense Language Proficiency Test, a test based on the ILR's professional standards of fluency. Use this book as practice.
"Need Help With a Test?"
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Yale University Press
Year: 2006
ISBN-13: 9780300109481 (contains sample chapters, videos, and PDF glossaries)
(cached page)
Description: [This multimedia language program] consists of a slim, user-friendly student textbook and an accompanying DVD showing interviews with a variety of native speakers filmed in the target language.
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Yale University Press
Year: 2005
ISBN-10: 0300104936
Supplemental Material: Audio CD & online MP3s
Table of Contents: All works are in Arabic.
Description: This book not only introduces students to the entire sweep of Arabic intellectual, political, and cultural thought but also gives examples of how this thought is expressed, offering important insight into the Arab mind.
"Arabic Anthology LEFT in Arabic, Finally!"
astro_man23's rating:

Arabic-English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic... - Hans Wehr,J.M. Cowan

Publisher: Spoken Language Series
Year: 1994 (4/e)
ISBN-13: 9780879500030
My 2¢: This is the Arabic dictionary you want, bested perhaps only by the Lexicon itself.
"The One"
astro_man23's rating:

A Pocket Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms - Mass'ad Abur-Rijaal

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 1998 (1993 reprint)
ISBN-10: 9953860807
Description: This lightweight booklet checks in at a cool 100 pages, but don't let that fool you. It is a champion of a thesaurus and will help you bridge the gap between "saying things in Arabic" and "speaking Arabic."
"Big Things Come in Small Packages"
astro_man23's rating:

Using Arabic Synonyms - Dilworth Parkinson

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2005
ISBN-13: 9780521001762
Review: Simply put, an absolute must have for intermediate or advanced students of MSA. This book will give your vocabulary some serious muscle. Learn how to use the words with real world examples. Get a feel for how frequently you may encounter them in newspapers or other printed material. If there is a better Arabic "thesaurus" available, I don't know about it.
"Add Girth to Your Vocabulary - Learn Usage!"
astro_man23's rating:

Dictionary of Collocations (English-Arabic) - Hasan Ghazala

Publisher: Dar-al-'Ilm
Year: 2007
ISBN-13: 9789953634879
Review: This book helps you avoid the pitfall of literal translation by giving you thousands upon thousands of valuable co-locations in Arabic. The book is organized by the English, and care is taken to distinguish between American English and British English phrases. While I can't find much to complain about regarding the dictionary, the author could have done with some professional editing in his English introduction. This dictionary is ambitious, meticulous and modern. It is quite girthy, and it delivers nicely. Like some of the other books on this list, this one was intended for Arab readers. However, it can be purchased through an importer (ISBN link).
"Take the Guesswork out of Collocations!"
astro_man23's rating:

Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose I: The Simple Sentence... - Vicente Cantarino

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Year: 1974
ISBN-13: 9780253395047
Availability: university libraries (or google it)
Description: This three volume set gives you the hearty helping of Arabic prose and literature you've been starving for! The author has handpicked select quotations from various Arabic works and uses them to demonstrate the syntax of the language. The English translations are a joy to read. Although not very well-known, this series contains virtually every aspect of syntax you would need to know to produce masterful Arabic. The books are essentially divided by grammatical topic: for instance, under the particle ل, you'll find numerous examples detailing how it is used and what it means in those contexts. So if you want some serious reinforcement when it comes to grammar and syntax, then try to get this series. You are not likely to find a complete copy for sale anywhere on the Internet, but check your local libraries. (Or you can google it.)
astro_man23's rating:

Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose II: The Expanded Sentence... - Vicente Cantarino

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Year: 1975
ISBN-13: 9780253395054
Availability: university libraries (or google it) unless you want to buy it from some chump on Amazon asking $120 (ISBN link)
Description: See above please.
astro_man23's rating:

Syntax of Modern Arabic Prose III: The Compound Sentence... - Vicente Cantarino

Publisher: Indiana University Press
Year: 1975
ISBN-10: 0253395062
Availability: university libraries (or google it)
Description: See above please.
astro_man23's rating:

Arabic-English Lexicon - Edward William Lane

Publisher: Asian Educational Services (AES)
Year: 1869 (1985, 2003 reprints)
ISBN-13: 9788120601079
Availability: Various publishers have released the Lexicon. The links here are for the Indian edition. There are two volume sets out there as well. Finally, you can download the entire lexicon in .PDF format via
Description: The most scholarly dictionary of the Arabic language available. This work is the product of over thirty years of unrelenting labour. It is a work of such unique greatness that, since its first appearance almost 150 years ago, it has remained to this day supreme in the field of Arabic lexicography. No scholar or group of scholars has produced anything to supplant it.
astro_man23's rating:

North Africa
Tunisian Arabic Basic Course (Volume One) - Patrick L. Inglefield,Kacem Ben-Hamza,Toufik Abida

Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington
Year: 1970
Availability: microfiche
Description: Each of the 71 lessons in this two-volume course in Tunisian Arabic begins with an initial dialog in Arabic with an English translation. (Arabic appears in phonemic transcription.) Grammar notes explain the points emphasized in the lesson; learning and practice drills follow each dialog. A simplified explanation of the sound system of Tunisian Arabic precedes the first volume. A special section on Tunisian culture concludes the second volume.
astro_man23's rating:

Tunisian Arabic Basic Course (Volume Two) - Patrick L. Inglefield,Kacem Ben-Hamza,Toufik Abida

Publisher: Indiana University Press, Bloomington
Year: 1970
Availability: microfiche
Description: Each of the 71 lessons in this two-volume course in Tunisian Arabic begins with an initial dialog in Arabic with an English translation. (Arabic appears in phonemic transcription.) Grammar notes explain the points emphasized in the lesson; learning and practice drills follow each dialog. A simplified explanation of the sound system of Tunisian Arabic precedes the first volume. A special section on Tunisian culture concludes the second volume.
astro_man23's rating:

Peace Corps/Tunisia Course in Tunisian Arabic... - Rached Ben Abdelkader,Aziza Naouar

Publisher: Peace Corps, Washington D.C.
Year: 1979
Description: The basic format for each unit includes the following items: (1) introduction consisting of dialogs, texts, and/or pictures; (2) questions on the dialog or text; (3) notes on the dialog or text; (4) useful words and expressions; (5) lexical drills; (6) structural notes/structural drills; (7) communication activities; and (8) writing. Each unit revolves around a particular subject. Throughout the text, Arabic script is used alongside phonetic transcriptions.
Competency Based Language Education Curriculum Guide [Tunisian Arabic]... - Abdessalem Choura

Publisher: Peace Corps, Tunisia
Year: 1993
Description: Topics include greetings and introductions, self-identification, classroom communication, postal services, telephone use, shopping, food and restaurants, describing preferences, requesting directions, family and family life, seeking medical assistance, transportation, describing work, travel, obtaining needed papers, responding to incidents, housing, invitations, emergency assistance, clothing, appropriate response in political and religious discussions, health, kitchen utensils and cooking, responding to police identity checks, and bargaining.
Tunisian Arabic - Rached Ben Abdelkader,Aziza Naouar,Mahmoud Melki

Publisher: Peace Corps
Year: 1988
Description: Each [of the 15 thematic units] contains a brief dialogue in transliterated Arabic, an English translation, lists of vocabulary and expressions, comprehension questions, additional useful vocabulary, grammar notes, vocabulary and grammar exercises, communication activities, and script writing exercises.
Peace Corps English-Tunisian Arabic dictionary... - Rached Ben Abdelkader

Publisher: Peace Corps, Washington D.C.
Year: 1977
Description: The dictionary consists of two parts. The lexicon, which begins with a chart of all the phonetic symbols used in the dictionary, explains the main points of Tunisian Arabic grammar. The main body of the work follows, with separate English-Tunisian Arabic and Tunisian Arabic-English sections. Each entry in the English-Tunisian Arabic section emphasizes the nuances of meaning of the given Arabic equivalent.
Spoken Tunisian Arabic - Robert J. Scholes,Toufik Abida

Publisher: Indiana University, Bloomington. Intensive Language Training Center (sponsored by Peace Corps, Washington D.C.)
Year: 1966
Description: Lessons include grammar and phonology notes, exercises, and vocabulary. The materials are organized for two phases of language learning: a pre-speech or comprehension phase occupying one-fourth of the total class time, during which the student acquires a passive knowledge of Tunisian Arabic structure and phonology, and an active phase during which the student covers the same material and is drilled in language production.
A Beginner's Course in Tunisian Arabic - Taoufik Ben Amor

Publisher: Peace Corps, Tunis
Year: 1990
Description: [This guide] contains 15 lessons, each made up of: a teacher's guide sheet, which outlines specific objectives, contents, and materials needed; a dialogue introducing the lesson's theme; a vocabulary list, illustrations, and/or exercises; notes on grammar and usage; in some cases, supplementary dialogue or prose passage; and additional exercises and activities.
Spoken Algerian Arabic - Elizabeth M. Bergman

Publisher: Dunwoody Press
Year: 2005
ISBN-13: 9781931546102
Supplements: 1 Audio CD
Description: This work is made up of three parts. The first part is a grammar sketch that describes the distinguishing features of Spoken Algerian Arabic (SAA). The second part of the work consists of sample conversations transcribed from SAA audio recordings. An English translation follows the SAA selections along with glossary of both Arabic and French terms that occur in each selection. The third part is a two-part glossary that lists Arabic and French words and phrases that occur in the audio selections. The first part of the glossary consists of Arabic terms and the second part French terms.
"Listen-Read-Translate (LRT) - Algerian!"
astro_man23's rating:

Spoken Libyan Arabic - Eerik Dickinson

Publisher: Dunwoody Press
Year: 2004
ISBN-13: 9781931546058
Supplements: 2 Audio CDs
Description: The aim of this book is to aid the student possessing a background in Modern Standard Arabic to comprehend the spoken Libyan dialect, or, more precisely, the two main urban dialects, that of Tripoli in the west and Benghazi in the East. The two speakers in the dialogues are from Tripoli and from the countryside surrounding Benghazi. A special aspect of the thirty selections in the book is that they are the spontaneous speech of ordinary informants and that they have been edited on for the sake of length. The selections are transcribed into a modified version of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Selections are accompanied by a vocabulary and notes, and there is a global glossary at the end of the book. An English translation of each selection is also provided.
astro_man23's rating:

Moroccan Arabic Reader - Habaka Feghali,Alan Kaye

Publisher: Dunwoody Press
Year: 1989
ISBN-13: 9780931745478
Supplements: 2 Audio CDs
Description: This reader provides the student of Moroccan Arabic with the important terms and vocabulary in the areas of politics, economics, education, military affairs, and culture, as well as general information about Morocco.
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Year: 1997

Availability: $301 USD (€211.00) via publisher or google it
Description: A detailed scientific description of the Andalusi Arabic dialect bundle did not exist until recent times, although the correct understanding of some of its texts bears heavily on many momentous conclusions drawn by contemporary scholars about the extent and depth of cultural interaction between the Arabs and the West. After many years of work on the grammar of this variety of Neo-Arabic, and having produced accurate editions of its materials, the author now undertakes the task of establishing its lexicon.
astro_man23's rating:

Dictionary of Moroccan Arabic Moroccan- English / English- Moroccan (Georgetown Classics in Arabic L... - Richard S. Harrell,Harvey Sobelman

Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Year: 2004
ISBN-13: 9781589011038
Description: This classic volume presents the core vocabulary of everyday life in Morocco—from the kitchen to the mosque, from the hardware store to the natural world of plants and animals. It contains myriad examples of usage, including formulaic phrases and idiomatic expressions. Understandable throughout the nation, it is based primarily on the standard dialect of Moroccans from the cities of Fez, Rabat, and Casablanca. All Arabic citations are in an English transcription, making it invaluable to English-speaking non-Arabists, travelers, and tourists—as well as being an important resource tool for students and scholars in the Arabic language-learning field.
astro_man23's rating:

A Basic Course in Moroccan Arabic with MP3 Files (Georgetown Classics in Arabic Language & Linguisti... - William S. Carroll,Mohammed Abu-Talib,R.S. Harrell

Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Year: 2006
ISBN-13: 9781589010819
Supplements: Audio CD
Description: A Basic Course in Moroccan Arabic is a textbook in spoken Moroccan Arabic that is written for beginners who are unfamiliar with the Arabic language, alphabet, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Written in Latinate transcription it is carefully designed to present these elements in a progressive, user-friendly, step-by-step manner.
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Year: 2010
ISBN-13: 9781589017610
Supplements: online audio MP3 files available free from publisher here (left side of product page)
Description: Conceived to be a practical reference grammar for those who may have basic skills in Moroccan Arabic, this classic volume teaches the phonology, morphology, and syntax of the dialect. Originally published in 1962, A Short Reference Grammar of Moroccan Arabic features the spoken language of the urban speakers of the northwestern part of Morocco, especially Fez, Rabat, and Casablanca. The Arabic has been transcribed for the English-speaking student. The accompanying audio files, keyed to the text, demonstrate the pronunciation of the Arabic transcribed in the book.
astro_man23's rating:

A Dictionary of Iraqi Arabic (Georgetown Classics in Arabic Language and Linguistics)... - Beverly E. Clarity,Karl Stowasser,Ronald G. Wolfe,D. R. Woodhead

Publisher: Georgetown University Press
Year: 2003
ISBN-13: 9780878401369
Description: Originally offered in two separate volumes, A Dictionary of Iraqi Arabic, a staple of Georgetown University Press's world-renowned Arabic language program, now handily provides both the English to Arabic and Arabic to English texts in one volume. Designed for an English speaker learning Arabic, this is a key reference for anyone learning the colloquial speech of Iraq as spoken by educated people in Baghdad. Using romanized transliteration and transcription rather than the Arabic alphabet, it is further enhanced in most cases by having sentences to illustrate how individual word entries are used in context, reinforcing the user's acquisition of colloquial Iraqi.
astro_man23's rating:

Specialty Dictionaries

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 1974 (2008 reprint)
ISBN-13: 9789953861647
Availability: check the publisher link for the best price
•2008 Reprint.
•Approx. 55,000 entries.
•3 columns per page.
•Approx. 2 B&W illustrations or photos per page.
•Appendices: Greek alphabet, geology, conversion tables, abbreviations and mathematical tables.
astro_man23's rating:

Al Mawrid (English-Arabic/ Arabic-English dictionary) dictionary... - Mounir Baalbaki,Rouhi Baalbaki

Publisher: Dar El Ilm Lilmalayin
Year: annual editions
ISBN-13: many (click above for English catalog from Dar El Ilm to see the selection of Al-Mawrids)
Description: Containing over 200.000 entries, it is the most comprehensive bilingual Arabic-English and English-Arabic lexicon.*There are also trilingual English-Arabic-French editions.
astro_man23's rating:

Dictionary of Arabic Names - Chafic Arnaout

Publisher: Dar El Ilm Lilmalayin
Year: 2007
ISBN-13: 9789953631905 (catalog)
Description: A dictionary that includes more than 3000 names taken from books, newspaper, student records.
astro_man23's rating:

Dictionary of Military Terminology : Arabic -... - Defense Language Institute

Publisher: Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)
Year: c1970s (a guess)
Review: Here are three harmless, oldschool military dictionaries from the military language school at the Presidio. The material is definitely outdated (Soviet-era), but it is somewhat pertinent today because many longstanding Arab regimes still use obsolete military technology. Many of these regimes, like the weapons that have kept them in power, are themselves now becoming obsolete. The books thumbnailed below are from the early 1980s; there are probably better, more current military glossaries available today. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

astro_man23's rating:

The Police Dictionary, English - Arabic - Shafiq Ismat

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 1980 (2/e)
Availability: the publisher above
Review: This is an interesting, general-purpose military dictionary. It was designed by an officer in the Egyptian police as a training tool for cadets. It claims to have terms in legal, forensics and science, but it's really just a hodgepodge of general vocabulary.
astro_man23's rating:

The Unified Medical Dictionary (English and Arabic Edition)... - World Health Organization,Council of Arab Ministers of Health,ALECSO,Arab Medical Union,M.H. Khayat

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 2004 (4/e)
ISBN-10: 9953337268
Availability: Publisher has several medical dictionaries.
Description: The Unified Medical Dictionary (UMD) is a Multilingual Medical Dictionary, which was originally compiled in the late 1960s and early 1970s on response to a recommendation of the Arab Medical Union. Subsequently, two further editions were issued, the last of which (UMD third edition, 1983) included French terms.
astro_man23's rating:

Faruqi's Arabic-English Law Dictionary - Harith Suleiman Faruqi

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 1983 (2/e 2008 reprint)
ISBN-10: 9953101299
Description: Containing terms of jurisprudence (ancient and modern), forensic medicine, commerce, banking, insurance, civil aviation, diplomacy and petroleum.
astro_man23's rating:

Faruqi's English-Arabic Law Dictionary - Harith Suleiman Faruqi

Publisher: Librairie du Liban
Year: 2009
ISBN-10: 9953103003
Description: See above please.
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2003
ISBN-10: 0198607032 (Amazon)
Description: From the familiar to the highly specialized, Oxford-Duden Pictorial Dictionaries offer comprehensive coverage of thousands of objects. This new title in the series has a comprehensive Arabic-English index, which translates over 28,000 vocabulary items.
astro_man23's rating:

Horn of Africa & Sub-Saharan
Spoken Hassaniya Arabic - Jiddou Sounkalo

Publisher: Dunwoody Press
Year: 2008
ISBN-13: 9781931546539
Supplements: 1 Audio CD
Description: This reader consists of three sections. The first section consists 30 selections based on audio recordings of native Hassaniya speakers from Mauritania and the United States. Each selection comprises the Hassaniya transcription, the phonetic transcription, and a vocabulary list when needed. The second section is English translations of all 30 selections, and the third section is a glossary that is a compilation of all words from 30 vocabulary lists.
"Obscure Arabic Dialect Gets Royal Treatment"
astro_man23's rating:

Publisher: Harrassowitz Verlag Publishing House
Year: 1993
ISBN-10: 3447032960 (see publisher website)
Description: Arabic is just not a widely taught language here in the West (or probably anywhere for that matter). And even when it is taught, what we foreigners usually learn is standard Arabic, what Arabs call العربية الفصحى. There are indeed dialect references out there, but the vast majority of these are for one of three major Arabic tongues: Levantine, Gulf or Egyptian. And frankly, there's a lot of crap out there. Among the dialects, African ones are the hardest to find quality materials for. And among the African dialects, Horn of Africa and Sub-Saharan Arabic are the rarest of the rare. There just isn't much out there. But here's one that tries to close that gap. It is a 276-page scholarly publication written in English and Romanized Arabic. The book is exactly what it is says it is, a grammar, and it's divided by grammatical topics. Several example sentences are dissected to show how Nigerians speak their language. By no means is it a complete treatment of all the complexities in this little-researched, obscure dialect of a non-Arab nation. But if someone else knows of a better, or even just another grammar, please tell.
astro_man23's rating:

So you want to learn Arabic? Well, my friends, then you are in luck! These books will be invaluable to you on the long voyage that is the Arabic language.
I am not an expert in Arabic, but I did study it seriously for 6 years and received excellent training at the Defense Language Institute. I own all of the books on this list, so I can personally vouch for their usefulness. This list is full of links to help you track them down on your own. If you know of any good resources or reference material, slap a comment down! And if you're not a member of listal, then you should join!
Anything in blockquotes is from the publisher or author (or other cited source). Everything else is just my opinion. Cursor over the ISBN for publisher links.
*Please note that some of the ISBN links to Librairie du Liban may not direct to the product page, but instead to the storefront. In any case, the publisher's mainpage,, is a great starting place if you're looking for affordable, technical Arabic dictionaries, textbooks or even cookbooks.
I will expand this list from time to time. Latest Update: 23 Sep 2011
I am not an expert in Arabic, but I did study it seriously for 6 years and received excellent training at the Defense Language Institute. I own all of the books on this list, so I can personally vouch for their usefulness. This list is full of links to help you track them down on your own. If you know of any good resources or reference material, slap a comment down! And if you're not a member of listal, then you should join!
Anything in blockquotes is from the publisher or author (or other cited source). Everything else is just my opinion. Cursor over the ISBN for publisher links.
*Please note that some of the ISBN links to Librairie du Liban may not direct to the product page, but instead to the storefront. In any case, the publisher's mainpage,, is a great starting place if you're looking for affordable, technical Arabic dictionaries, textbooks or even cookbooks.
Modern Standard Arabic
(the pan-Arab standard)
Algerian Dialect
Moroccan Dialect
Andalusi Dialect
(Moroccan Arabic)
Hassaniya Dialect
(Mauritanian Arabic)
Libyan Dialect
Tunisian Dialect
Iraqi Dialect
Saudi Dialect
*Note: The Peace Corps sponsored the publication of several Tunisian Arabic books. These books, and many others, are digitally maintained in the Education Resources Information Center online database. Many ERIC resources are available in their entirety as free downloads to the public. Although the quality of the originals leaves something to be desired, the copies on the ERIC site are often the best available. Visit the ERIC government website at for more information about this resource. The ERIC links I provide in this list are for direct viewing or downloading of the PDFs.
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