Favorite Type of Genres
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Pokémon Y - Nintendo 3DS
Yes, I love the heck out of role playing games. There's just something about exploring the world, leveling up to be stronger, and experiencing the sometimes engaging story that really appeals to me.
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Open World games
Grand Theft Auto V - PlayStation 3
So much replay valve. You have a entire world to explore and what makes it work is the randomness of it. In the GTA games, a lot of things feel random. You might see a random police chase or see something really funny. These moments add to the life of its world. If there's not any feeling of life in the world, then it feels fake.
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Tactical RPGs
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 - Nintendo DS
Thanks to Devil Survivor and Fire Emblem, I gotten interesting in this genre. Again with my stance on RPGs, the story in games can be really engaging and I really got fond of the gameplay in SRPGs. Yes some are hard as well, but there is a sense of feeling really good after getting past that. Not to mention, these are great games to play on the bus or car to kill time and quicksave where you at without starting over.
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Action RPGs
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX - PlayStation 3
I like these due to the fast paced action. In games like Kingdom Hearts, its crazy and really fun.
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The "one of the kind" type games
LSD PSOne Classic(Japan Only) - PlayStation Network
Games where its really unlike anything you seen in all the years of gaming.
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Super Mario Bros. - Famicom and NES
I grew up with Mario games so I like this genre. Got to play more down the line and got rid of that habit of me going too fast. My friend comments that about me when playing these types of games.
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Rail Shooters
The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return - Nintendo Wii
These is a type of shooters I enjoy. Just shooting stuff up reloading off screen.
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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Nintendo 64
Just like Platformers, I grew up with Zelda and I like this type. I also need to play more of these types.
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Genres I want to get into
After thinking about it a lot, here are my favorite types of games and genres I want to get into.
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