books with big name that were a dissapointment
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The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso (Everyman's Library)... - Dante Alighieri
As a book for knowing what the medieval man knew I'd rather read a book about precisely medieval knowledge or the medieval vision of the world and I'm sure they would use a wide range of resources, that said no one needs the Divine Comedy to know about the middle age. Besides that it's one of the most boring books I've ever read. Apparently the real world will always be more interesting than the imaginary realms of beyond
Frankenstein (Enriched Classics) - Mary Shelley
I saw first kennet Branagh's adaptation for screen. That lead me to read the original story which is so winnie and doesn't provoque any of the feelings that produces the movie (still there's one feeling:the lonelyness and the hate for the creator wich has the same rooth). But the biggest dissapointment were the few things that happen in the movie that are not in the book. I 'd rather go with the film
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The premise could work as good thriller or if it had the tension as in Dostoievsky's Crime and Punishment, but instead this "thing" is a guide to the XIX century bitchy gay about the taste and costumes. Its very misogynous too. Pure shit
Conrad omits too much cause he was kind of ashamed for feel shame (yeah, that's right, that's the idea. I remind you at that time the europeans were rationalized as the superior man though they were beyond vicious in Africa) and for that lack of more explicit horror the tale loses strenght
The Tempest (Folger Shakespeare Library) - William Shakespeare
Some critics praise this play but actually it's not even among the 10 best works of Shakespeare