Elves-Magical Creatures
Elf: Homo Decorus
“Elves are a very ancient human-like race. They have a tall and beautiful figure. In former days they travelled all over Tibia, now they have retreated to an area in the north of Tibia where they live in dwellings made out of flourishing trees. Some of them are quite hospitable, but others are very suspicious towards any intruder and will try to repel him using their bows. Having a long history, the Elves are very skilled in magic, and almost every Elf knows some spells.”
From the Tibia Library

Your hands are cold. The life of the Eldar is leaving you.
The elves have a very long and rich history. They were created by the Gods as a sort of counterattack agains the abominations created by Urgith, known as the Undeath. The Gods created many races, trying to withstand the growing Undead threat. Most of these races perished and added to the ever growing corpse pile, which was then infused with unholy magic by Urgith, thus adding to the ever growing Undeath legion. Only two of those races, commonly known as the Ancients, survived this catastrophical era, which would be remembered as the Corpse War. They were the Elves and the Dwarves, two completely different entities. Although they worked togather during those turbulent times, their paths would cross eachother many times in the future, sometimes with bloody wars as the result.
To escape from certain annihilation, these two remaining Ancients went their own way. The Dwarves, skilled in crafts and tough and hard as rock itself, fled underground, carving and digging enourmous halls beneath the earth. That is how Kazordoon was created. Later, in less life-threatening times, they would built the mines to provide their blacksmiths with the precious ore they require. The Elves, on the other hand, turned their hopes towards the vast forests, where they built havens of peace and safety. Camouflaged huts and houses where constructed around, in and through the mighty trees. As the Elves, as no other race, where able to live in perfect harmony with their surroundings and the environment, mother Nature willingly protected and shielded them from Urgith’s terrible legions. Although united in one cause, after the Corpse War the Elves were separated in different castes, which all went their own ways.
Physical and other characteristics
The Elves belong undisputable to one of the most beautiful races. There seemingly fragile bodies make them very resilient and also very fast runners. Especially the rangers of the Elven kind are well respected for their excellent speed in combat. Other well known characteristics are of course the pointy ears and cateyes. These however bare no significant meaning for the Elves themselves. It even seems they are able to manipulate the appearance of their own siblings before birth. By using a sofisticated form of “Dream Magic”, Elven parents are able to change certain characteristics of their unborn child, such as: color of the hair, eyes and even gender. Although this might make a brilliant technique to make their kind suitable for war and combat, it is used more often for aesthetical reasons. Although the knowledge of this form of magic is mostly lost, the use of the Dream Magic is somewhat natural to the Elves. They use it instinctivally and see it as a “gift” from the Gods.
Another significant characteristic of the Elves, although not physical, is the Elven name. The use and construction of their names is well explained in a book that can be find in Ab'dendriel’s library:
Ab Library
Elven names are chosen in adulthood. Until they acquire a name, elves are called 'son/daughter of ___' usually naming the parent with the same gender. Upon reaching adulthood, the young elf gets his first name, divined by the elders who know him in dreams. It is merely a single name, a description of the elf in the elven tongue. Usually elves love to add a translation of their name which is often mistaken for a second name by other races. Since the elven language is far more complicated and has thousands of nuances, often elves with the same 'second name' have a different first name, confusing the other races even more.

"Im Arwen. Telin le thaed."
The Elven language is just as complex as the human language, maybe even more complicated. As for now, not much is known about this language. However, some words are used so frequent that we managed to decipher their meaning:
Ashari - Hi
Asha Thrazi – Goodbye
It is also believed the Elven language was built to carry their magic. Consequently, the deeper secrets of the magic of Teshial can only be discovered by those that known how to speak their language. As the Elves are masters of poetry, many believe their poems are mighty carriers of protective magic. Some strong believers even claim that these poems contain unknown spells and strong magic, unvisible for the earthy human minds.

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