Bijou Phillips
Birth Name: Bijou Lilly Phillips
Age: 44, born 1 April 1980
Country of origin: United States
Height: 5' 6"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Danny Masterson
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Bijou Phillips Videos
Rating: | 1151 Watched |
Rating: | 394 Watched |
Rating: | 173 Watched |
Rating: | 2510 Watched |
Rating: | 796 Watched |
Rating: | 386 Watched |
Rating: | 318 Watched |
Rating: | 276 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:• Tart (2001) : Beaten to death with a rock by Brad Renfro in the woods, after she threatens to expose him as a thief, as well as all his other embarrassing secrets. • Octane (Pulse) (2003) : Killed in an explosion, along with several cultists, when Norman Reedus sets off a bomb. • Venom (2005) : Blasted in the face with a sandblaster by the zombie Rick Cramer in his garage. Her body is shown afterwards, along with several others, when Agnes Bruckner discovers them in a pit. • Hos"
"Bijou Lilly Phillips1 April 1980Phillips has 1 child:• Fianna Francis Masterson (2014);"
"Bijou Lilly Phillips MastersonAmerican Actress, Model, Socialite & Singer• Irish;• English; "