Albert Brooks
Birth Name: Albert Lawrence Einstein
Age: 77, born 22 July 1947
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 10"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Kimberly Shlain
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Rating: | 8176 Watched |
Rating: | 4089 Watched |
Rating: | 2298 Watched |
Rating: | 2517 Watched |
Rating: | 5821 Watched |
Rating: | 1223 Watched |
Rating: | 1166 Watched |
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
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Rating: | 91 Watched |
Rating: | 46 want to see |
Rating: | 67 Watched |
Rating: | 46 Watched |
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Rating: | 91 Watched |
Rating: | 46 want to see |
Rating: | 67 Watched |
Rating: | 29 Watched |
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" Bernie Rose - Drive "Here's what I'm prepared to offer. You give me the money, the girl is safe. Forever. Nobody knows about her. She's off the map. I can't offer you the same. So, this is what I would suggest. We conclude our deal. We'll shake hands. You start the rest of your life. Any dreams you have, or plans, or hopes for your future... I think you're going to have to put that on hold. For the rest of your life you're going to be looking over your shoulder. I'm just telling you this becaus"
" 1988 - NOMINEE Best Actor in a Supporting Role ALBERT BROOKS as Aaron Altman in BROADCAST NEWS 1987 | dir: James L. Brooks "
"Marlin: The Main Protagonist who is a Formerly Overprotective Clownfish, Nemo's Father and Coral's Husband.โ"