Garo (牙狼-GARO-) (2005)
list by jenndubya
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"Time Fire as Mitsuru Tonuma (2000; 2006) Geki Yellow as Asami Shinohara (2007; 2006) "
"GARO ~Savior in the Dark~ (Episode 14-25) by JAM Project "
"First Season | Contains Bonus Episode | Kouga-era Starting Point Rating: 5/5 The first season and probably the best introduction to the universe as a whole. You should very much start here. OFFICIALLY LICENSED: While the first half of the season seems to be out of print on Blu-ray, you can still stream the entire thing legally on HiDive. * The bonus episode, however, is not among the licensed episodes and you will need to look for that elsewhere."
"Chronology Placement: First Season (First Anything) Story? Pretty slow in the first half, but really picks up in the second half while still keeping it's episodic nature. Characters? Love Kouga. Kaoru and Gonza are fine. Rei is a dick. Enjoyment Level? With the exception of a few things, it's actually a really fun ride. It's "adult" with stakes, but not a "grimdark" show and still has a charm to it. Theme Song? Amazing. The theme from the first half grew on me, but Savior in the Dark is just the"
"THERE IS SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE OF ANY AGE RANGE There are shows for the kids (or kids are heart), family friendly movies, and also adult only properties so that everyone in the family can have something for them."
" Adrenaline Score: High Sing-Along Score: Very High Playlist Score Very High Instrumental Score Medium Visual Score Medium Total: 15"