list by Emmabell

list by lalaman

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" Season 2 Their second season is still good, but I've really only stayed interested in the two leads, where I don't really like any of the characters surrounding them. I am still thankful for this show, highlighting an important culture that says a lot about our society and love, and one that doesn't get enough attention. I may watch the third and final season, but it's low on my interest list at this point. ---------- One Favorite Character from Favorite TV Shows: Lyn Main Locations: "

" Season 1 This is really interesting show that highlights a culture that doesn't get enough high-production-value attention on television. I am mostly only interested in the two main characters (the sisters) so hopefully the other characters will get better or grow on me. ---------- Main Locations: Boyle Heights (LA), CA, USA "

"Friday, August 23rd season 2 episode 1 episode 2 Monday, August 26th season 2 episode 3 episode 4 episode 5"

"Sunday, February 10th season 1 episode 1 episode 2 episode 3 Tuesday, February 12th season 1 episode 4 episode 5 Thursday, February 14th season 1 episode 6"