An intriguing, enigmatic presence both on-and off-camera, Rana Morrison has worn an entertainment coat of many colors, involving herself in several different aspects of show business over the years. From film extra to personal assistant to makeup artist to agent/publicist, there are very few areas Rana has not touched upon. These days, however, she is more off-camera than on, which is her preference, as the founder and owner of Rising Stars, a Texas/California based company that handles personal assistance, website design and maintenance, public relations, and business management for both established and up-and-coming talent. He
An intriguing, enigmatic presence both on-and off-camera, Rana Morrison has worn an entertainment coat of many colors, involving herself in several different aspects of show business over the years. From film extra to personal assistant to makeup artist to agent/publicist, there are very few areas Rana has not touched upon. These days, however, she is more off-camera than on, which is her preference, as the founder and owner of Rising Stars, a Texas/California based company that handles personal assistance, website design and maintenance, public relations, and business management for both established and up-and-coming talent. Her love, dedication and service in providing her clients with the attention and tools needed for career advancement has been selfless and extremely rewarding.
Born in Texas, Rana and her siblings were raised all over the world as her father was in the military. Although her father is directly related to acting icon John Wayne, whose real name was Marion Michael Morrison, Rana has never used this relationship for self-promotion. Her family eventually settled back in her home state of Texas in a small town. There she and her siblings made friends and partied with the likes of Shannon Elizabeth, George Eads, Angie Harmon, Jensen Ackles and the late Anna Nicole Smith, to name a few, before they achieved their celebrity.
As a teenager, Rana would voluntarily assist friends at conventions, personal appearances and autograph signings for wrestlers, musicians and actors. Her first big break occurred while working at a convention. Catching the attention of a well-known actor, he was able to see firsthand a strong, no-nonsense attitude and tenacity under pressure. Her professionalism completely won him over and she soon was asked to be his personal assistant. During this time a strong passion for music led her to briefly infiltrate the heavy metal scene as a backup singer for a couple of Texas/Oklahoma bands. She went on to do hair and makeup as well for various bands on the road, including Jon Bon Jovi,Metallica, Mötley Crüe, Poison,Cinderella and Ratt. The bands' raucous lifestyle and rigorous touring schedules, however, conflicted too heavily with her work as a personal assistant and she eventually redirected her attentions fully to her acting clientèle.
While providing on-the-set guidance to her clients, Rana has frequently been utilized as an extra while on various movie locations. While known for her spontaneity, engaging personality, and ability to stand out in a crowd, she decided to remain unidentified despite an occasional opportunity of receiving movie billing. She has thus far been glimpsed in such popular films as Point Break (1991), Encino Man (1992), Speed (1994),Braveheart (1995), Fear (1996), The Faculty (1998), Coyote Ugly (2000), Driven (2001), 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003), Torque (2004), and Into the Blue (2005), _Twilight Eclipse (2010) among several others, playing everything from party girls, motorcycle chicks to the sophisticated woman.
Despite her obvious joie de vivre and passion for the art of film-making, Rana has maintained her privacy and keeps out of the limelight for the most part -- always willing, however, to assist a client, colleague or friend in time of need.
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