Lucy Punch
Birth Name: Lucy Alice Punch
Age: 46, born 30 December 1977
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 8"
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Lucy Punch Videos
136 Views, 1 votes
Added 12 years ago
Added 12 years ago
Rating: | 2709 Watched |
Rating: | 1444 Watched |
Rating: | 1215 Watched |
Rating: | 624 Watched |
Rating: | 820 Watched |
Rating: | 312 Watched |
Rating: | 271 Watched |
Rating: | 250 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:โข Hot Fuzz (2007) : Decapitated with an axe by a member of the Neighborhood Watch, after the same is done to David Threlfall in their dressing room. The scene ends with Lucy screaming after David is killed. Their severed heads are shown lying on the road after their deaths are made to look like a car accident. โข Cottage Country (2013) : Dies of repeated head trauma after Malin Akerman slams her head against the floor, on top of being smothered by tarp, while Lucy is having a seizure. "
"Lucy Punch30 December 1977Punch has 1 child:โข Rex Punch (2015);"