Pretentious movies
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My Shorter Oxford Dictionary defines “pretentious” as “making claim to great merit or importance, esp. when unwarranted.”
A film can be considered pretentious if it is perceived as overly complex or self-important, often in an attempt to appear intellectually or artistically superior. This can be seen in the way the film is shot or edited, the dialogue, and the themes and motifs explored in the film. Additionally, a film that is considered pretentious may also be difficult to understand or interpret, or may rely heavily on symbolism and metaphor.
A film can be considered pretentious if it is perceived as overly complex or self-important, often in an attempt to appear intellectually or artistically superior. This can be seen in the way the film is shot or edited, the dialogue, and the themes and motifs explored in the film. Additionally, a film that is considered pretentious may also be difficult to understand or interpret, or may rely heavily on symbolism and metaphor.
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