Movies Everyone Loves Except Me
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All About Eve (1950)
'All About Eve' is almost impossible to understand! And the poor sound and the black and white didn't help at all! There were a few good moments but otherwise the plot was overally confusing, the sound was poor and if they'd used colour, I might have noticed the sets and had a better sight of everything! Overrated!
filmbuilder's rating:
'Cabaret' wasn't consistent, the sets were well done and from time to time it was interesting but at other times boring! But at least it had a rave ending in which there are Nazis everywhere!
filmbuilder's rating:
Elf (2003)
The North Pole is well designed and there were a few funny moments but I thought Will Ferrell was over the top and almost everything he does here would be dangerous if copied! The target audience is presumably younger kids but then all the adults like it too?! Give me a break!
filmbuilder's rating:
Hook (1991)
The critics didn't like it and neither did I but most of the audience did! The main issue was I didn't see any point in Peter Pan growing up! And Julia Roberts was definitely the wrong choice for Tinkerbell and gave a very annoying performance!
filmbuilder's rating:
I liked 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' but was it that great? It is even on IMDB Top 250! I loved Johnny Depp's performance but considering all its praise, I was disappointed!
filmbuilder's rating:
I don't see why everyone loves these movies because I don't, if a movie is on this list, I don't necessarily hate it (infact I like some of the movies here) but I find it overrated and don't see why it gets so much praise!
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