Icevipers Love Songs (for believers in romance)
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My collection of love songs, mostly old school. These were always my favorites and I don't see anything out there now that can really compete with these powerhouses. This will be an ongoing list, now that I figured out how to imbed the video's. (It only took about a month) :D
These are for the men out there who aren't afraid to show their romantic side and for the ladies who like to be romanced. We all have a romantic side but it seems that in today's day and age a man showing his soft side is a sign of weakness. Screw that, I got nothing to hide. A fair number of these are from my Black and Latino brothers, kudos for being so smooth. You are the master and I am your student.
For those interested, these videos are also posted in my video section (duh) but I have added the lyrics in that location. :D
These are for the men out there who aren't afraid to show their romantic side and for the ladies who like to be romanced. We all have a romantic side but it seems that in today's day and age a man showing his soft side is a sign of weakness. Screw that, I got nothing to hide. A fair number of these are from my Black and Latino brothers, kudos for being so smooth. You are the master and I am your student.
For those interested, these videos are also posted in my video section (duh) but I have added the lyrics in that location. :D
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Iceviper's Music Collection
(26 lists)list by Iceviper
Published 10 years, 8 months ago
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