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Top 10 Performances
The Master (2012)

Lancaster Dodd
"If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Doubt (2008)

Father Brendan Flynn
"There are people who go after your humanity, Sister, that tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it. It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue."
henrik4075's rating:

Phil Parma
"I know this sounds silly, like this is the scene in the movie where the guy's trying to get ahold of the long-lost son, you know, but this is that scene. And I think they have those scenes in movies because they're true, you know? Because they really happen. See, this is the scene in the movie where you help me out."
henrik4075's rating:

Almost Famous (2000)

Lester Bangs
"My advice to you. I know you think those guys are your friends. You wanna be a true friend to them? Be honest, and unmerciful."
henrik4075's rating:

The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)

Freddie Miles
"Tommy. How's the peeping? Tommy, how's the peeping? Tommy. Tommy. Tommy. Tommy. Tommy."
henrik4075's rating:

Owen Davian
"Who are you? What's your name? Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Because if you do, I'm gonna find her. I'm gonna hurt her. I'm gonna make her bleed, and cry, and call out your name. And then I'm gonna find you, and kill you right in front of her."
henrik4075's rating:

Charlie Wilson's War (2007)

Gust Avrakotos
"My loyalty! For twenty four years people have been trying to kill me! People who know how. Now do you think that's because my dad was a Greek soda pop maker? Or do you think that's because I'm an American spy? Go fuck yourself, you fucking child!"
henrik4075's rating:

Honerable Mentions

Art Howe
"And I, uh... I disagree with you, plain and simple. And moreover, I'm playing my team in a way that I can explain in job interviews next winter."
henrik4075's rating:

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Dean Trumbell
henrik4075's rating:

Boogie Nights (1997)

Scotty J.
"I'm a fuggin' idiot. I'm a fuggin' idiot. Fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot, fuggin' idiot..."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

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