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Top 10 Performances
Halloween (1978)

Laurie Strode
"Look, the boogeyman can only come out on Halloween, right? Well, I'm here; I'm not about to let anything happen to you."
henrik4075's rating:

"I looked at the clock... because I was saying to myself... It's five to seven, where could he be going with that sawed off shotgun?"
henrik4075's rating:

Trading Places (1983)

"By the way, food and rent aren't the only things around here that cost money. You sleep on the couch."
henrik4075's rating:

True Lies (1994)

Helen Tasker
"I wanted to do something outrageous, and it felt really good, to be needed, and to be trusted. It's just there's so much I want to do with this life and it feels that I haven't done any of it. You know, the sand is running out of the hourglass, and I want to look back and say, see, I did that, that was me, I was reckless and I was wild, and I fucking did it!"
henrik4075's rating:

Deirdre Beaubeirdre
"He told me about your situation. I remember when my husband served me papers. I drove his Kia Forte through my neighbor's kitchen. But you know what I say? It's cold, unlovable bitches like us that make the world go round."
henrik4075's rating:

Freaky Friday (2003)

Tess Coleman
"Like cooking: I mean, have you never heard of takeout? And cleaning: let's don't and say we did. Quality time with your kids: You know what? Quit bugging 'em. Leave 'em alone. They like it!"
henrik4075's rating:

Road Games (1981)

Pamela 'Hitch' Rushworth
"I could go to Disneyland for a little adventure. What I'm looking for is a little excitement."
henrik4075's rating:

The Fog (1980)

Elizabeth Solley
"You are weird. Thank God you're weird. The last one was so normal, it was disgusting."
henrik4075's rating:

Honerable Mentions
New Girl (2011)

Joan Day
"You're not gonna be alone. Even if you were, you could always move in with me. We could get a condo in Miami and start solving crimes together."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Veronica Mars (2014)

Gayle Buckley
"You were issued a private investigator's license for your 18th birthday? Heh. Is that something California kids do? "
henrik4075's rating:

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