30 Day Song Challenge
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Day 01
A favorite song
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Day 02
A favorite band
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Day 03
A song that you absolutely despise
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Day 04
A song you couldn’t live without
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Day 05
A song from an artist you wish had never started singing
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Day 06
A song that reminds you of home
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Day 07
A song that reminds you of someone
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Day 08
A song that you want to begin the week with
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Day 09
A song you want to close the week with
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Day 10
Your favorite song to make fun of
You Give Love a Bad Name
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Day 11
Your favorite slow song
Dream a Little Dream of Me
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Day 12
Your favorite fast song
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Day 13
A song from a band that you have to explain to people who they are
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Day 14
A song you got sick of because of the radio
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Day 15
A song you wish you heard often on the radio
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Day 16
A song you could sing without music
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Day 17
Another favorite song
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Day 18
Another favorite band
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Day 19
A song you will never get tired of
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Day 20
A song from an artist you like but wished they had never made
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Day 21
A song from your favorite album
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Day 22
A song from a band you heard about before they were cool
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Day 23
A song that is YOU
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Day 24
A song that is anti-YOU
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Day 25
A song you discovered on TV
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Day 26
The perfect song to listen to when you are angry
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Day 27
A song you wish you could play on an instrument
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Day 28
A song from another favorite album
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Day 29
A song that makes you wanna punch someone in the face
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Day 30
A song that makes you want to drive fast and crazy
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