Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
list by Mr. Saturn

list by JxSxPx

list by Uber

list by GruntLogic

Release date: 5 May 1992
ISBN-10 : 0679728759 | ISBN-13: 9780679728757

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"5.7. This book is like a fever dream where extreme and over the top violence and gore feels just as normal and everyday business as the regular western tropes do. What a great novel."

"Dude ... this is weird. I don't like it, it was boring. Characters were boring, barred the Judge. The story was uninteresting to me. It was not what I was promised. Themes don't do it for me if I don't care about the rest. I struggled to finish it. Is it good? I guess so. People sure seem to think so. I just ... don't care."

"Quasi-biblically narrated epoch of blood, dust, dirt and mindless violence with one of the most satanic antagonists in the history of literature."

"At dusk they halted and built a fire and roasted the deer. The night was much enclosed about them and there were no stars. To the north they could see other fires that burned red and sullen along the invisible ridges. They ate and moved on, leaving the fire on the ground behind them, and as they rode up into the mountains this fire seemed to become altered of its location, now here, now there, drawing away, or shifting unaccountably along the flank of their movement. Like some ignis fatuus belat"