Andrée Tainsy
Birth Name: Andrée Micheline Ghislaine Tainsy
Age: 112, born 19 December 1911
Country of origin: Belgium
Andrée Tainsy was supposed to make her screen debut in Pierre Fresnay's film Le duel (1939) but the film was interrupted in 1939 by the declaration of war. When the Armistice was signed with Germany in June 1940, she decided to flee Paris, and eventually France. Her exile first took her to Argentina, first in Mendoza then to Buenos Aires where she joins actors Rachel Bérendt , Madeleine Ozeray, Maurice Castel and author Jacques Théry. From there on she traveled to Chile where 'Jacques Rémy' rallied a troupe of exiled European comedians (Robert Darène, Nora Gregor, Grégoire Aslan) to shoot the film La fruta mordida (1945) (
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1. Love and Death (1975)
Rating: | 459 Watched |
2. Z (1969)
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5. Fantomas (1964)
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View all Andrée Tainsy movies (37 more)
Most popular
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2. Les cinq dernières minutes (1958)
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3. Discorama (1957)
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5. Cinéma 16
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