Allen Jones
Birth Name: Allen Neal Jones
Age: 47, born 2 June 1977
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 11"
Relationship Status: Married
list by jordanwiles94
list by jordanwiles94
Rating: | 197 Watched |
Rating: | 88 Watched |
Rating: | 59 Watched |
Rating: | 60 Watched |
Rating: | 9 Watched |
Rating: | 6 Watched |
Update feed
"AJ Styles (1-reign)June 8, 2020 - August 21, 2020 (74 days)Defeated Daniel Bryan in a tournament final for the vacant title.WWE recognizes this reign as beginning on June 12, 2020, when the match aired on tape delay. WWE incorrectly lists Styles' reign as lasting 71 days, ending on August 22, 2020.Jeff Hardy (5-times)August 21, 2020 - September 27, 2020 (37 days)On August 28, 2020, Sami Zayn returned with his own title belt, claiming to be the legitimate champion as he was never defeated. WWE di"
"AJ Styles (1st reign)September 11, 2016 - January 29, 2017 (140 days)In December 2016, the title's name was shortened back to WWE Championship.John Cena (13-times)January 29, 2017 - February 12, 2017 (14 days)"
"AJ Styles (1-reign)July 7, 2017 - July 23, 2017 (16 days)Kevin Owens (3-times)July 23, 2017 - July 25, 2017 (2 days)AJ Styles (2-times)July 25, 2017 - October 8, 2017 (75 days)This was a Triple Threat Match also involving Chris Jericho."