Alfonso Cuarón
Birth Name: Alfonso Cuarón Orozco
Age: 63, born 21 November 1961
Country of origin: Mexico
Currently Residing In: United Kingdom
Height: 6' 1"
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Movies directed by
Rating: | 6576 Watched |
Rating: | 2974 Watched |
Rating: | 1720 Watched |
Rating: | 1041 Watched |
Movies written by
Rating: | 2974 Watched |
Rating: | 1720 Watched |
Rating: | 1041 Watched |
Rating: | 303 Watched |
Rating: | 2112 Watched |
Rating: | 20 Watched |
Rating: | 338 Watched |
Rating: | 123 Watched |
Rating: | 73 Watched |
Rating: | 46 Watched |
Rating: | 40 Watched |
TV directed by
Rating: | 33 Watched |
Rating: | 7 Watched |
1 want to see |
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Update feed
" Upcoming: Disclaimer (Limited TV Series - 2024) Jane (2025) "
" Upcoming: Disclaimer (Limited TV Series - 2024) "
"2019 Rank: #2 2018 Rank: #3 2017 Rank: #3 2016 Rank: #3 2015 Rank: #3 2014 Rank: #2 2013 Rank: #5 2012 Rank: #9 2011 Rank: #21 2010 Rank: #25 2009 Rank: #25 Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Children of Men (2006) Gravity (2013) Roma (2018) Upcoming: Ascension (2021) "
"2018 Rank: #3 2017 Rank: #3 2016 Rank: #3 2015 Rank: #3 2014 Rank: #2 2013 Rank: #5 2012 Rank: #9 2011 Rank: #21 2010 Rank: #25 2009 Rank: #25 Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Children of Men (2006) Gravity (2013) Roma (2018) "
"Best Director! Winner: Alfonso Cuaron, Roma! Nominees: Spike Lee - BlacKkKlansman Yorgos Lanthimos - The Favourite Peter Farrelly - Green Book Bradley Cooper - A Star Is Born"
"Best Director! Winner: Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity! Nominees: Steve McQueen - 12 Years a Slave David O. Russell - American Hustle Spike Jonze - Her Martin Scorsese - The Wolf of Wall Street"
"Best Director! Winner: Alfonso Cuaron, Roma! Nominees: Spike Lee - BlacKkKlansman Peter Farrelly - Green Book Bradley Cooper - A Star Is Born Adam McKay - Vice"
"2017 Rank: #3 2016 Rank: #3 2015 Rank: #3 2014 Rank: #2 2013 Rank: #5 2012 Rank: #9 2011 Rank: #21 2010 Rank: #25 2009 Rank: #25 a. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) b. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) c. Children of Men (2006) d. Gravity (2013) e. Roma (2018) "
"1995 "The Perez Family" (was the original director of the film, but pulled out before the production started) 1997 "Addicted to Love" (rejected it to work on "A Little Princess" instead) 2002 "Hart's War" (was set to direct and write it, but went on to do "Y tu mama tambien" instead) 2003 "The Runaway Jury" (attached to direct it, but after a few months left the project) 2008 "Speed Racer" (was attached to direct with Johnny Depp in the lead, but he left the project) 2012 "Life of Pi" (was se"
"2016 Rank: #3 2015 Rank: #3 2014 Rank: #2 2013 Rank: #5 2012 Rank: #9 2011 Rank: #21 2010 Rank: #25 2009 Rank: #25 a. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) b. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) c. Children of Men (2006) d. Gravity (2013) e. Roma (2018) "
"Y Tu Mamá TambiénGravityChildren Of Men"
"2015 Rank: #3 2014 Rank: #2 2013 Rank: #5 2012 Rank: #9 2011 Rank: #21 2010 Rank: #25 2009 Rank: #25 a. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) b. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) c. Children of Men (2006) d. Gravity (2013) e. Tales from the Hanging Head (2018) "
"Mexican Major Works: Children of Men (2006) Gravity (2013) Great Expectations (1998) • Director, Writer, Producer, Editor, Cinematographer. •"