Paulino Nunes
Birth Name: Paulino Cabral Mendonça Nunes
Age: 56, born 27 April 1968
Country of origin: Portugal
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Francisca Nunes
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Paulino Nunes was born on April 27, 1968 in Faial, Açores, Portugal as Paulino Cabral Mendonça Nunes. He is an actor, known for Narc (2002), Traidor (2008) and Aventuras en la Casa Blanca (1999). He has been married to Francisca Nunes since August 6, 2006.
Wrote his first play, 'Rodeo Star', in 2003.
His family moved to Toronto, Ontario in 1969. He now lives in Burlington, Ontario with his wife Francesca, son Sebastian & their cat Ela.
Became a member of Mensa in 1998.
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