Street Fighting Man follows three inner-city men - each a generation apart - as they seek to define their lives in post-industrial Detroit. Deris Solomon is a young single father who wants to leave behind a high-risk life on the streets; Luke Williams is a middle-aged man remodeling a former crack house after being homeless for several years; and James Jack Rabbit Jackson is a retired police officer struggling to save his neighborhood from crime after the local police station is dissolved. The film unflinchingly reveals how hard it can be to build a future when everything seems to be crumbling around you.
Detroits ills are we
Street Fighting Man follows three inner-city men - each a generation apart - as they seek to define their lives in post-industrial Detroit. Deris Solomon is a young single father who wants to leave behind a high-risk life on the streets; Luke Williams is a middle-aged man remodeling a former crack house after being homeless for several years; and James Jack Rabbit Jackson is a retired police officer struggling to save his neighborhood from crime after the local police station is dissolved. The film unflinchingly reveals how hard it can be to build a future when everything seems to be crumbling around you.
Detroits ills are well-known. Few places have captured the impact of economic decline in this globalized era as the Motor City. Once the manufacturing mecca of the US and the birthplace of the black middle-class, the city is now a shell of its former self. Recent news coverage of Detroit either boasts of an entrepreneurial renaissance or exploits the city's vast urban decay. Street Fighting Man strikes an emotionally-driven balance between these feelings of optimism and lament, extending the conversation beyond simplistic words and images, to paint a multi-generational portrait of three men trying to rise above daily adversity.
As Luke collects cans and acquires reclaimed materials to make an old home new again, Jack Rabbit must stand up to violent young criminals who were once children in his neighborhood. Meanwhile, Deris has to decide how he will provide for his daughter: by struggling to get an education, or by selling drugs like many of his peers. For each of these men, it is a war of little battles, often waged at home, at school, or in the streets. And ultimately, their three narratives collapse into one, telling the tale of one man as he attempts to make it through his youth, mid-life, and old age in post-industrial America.
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Tags: Poverty (1), Social Change (1), Struggle (1), Social Injustice (1), Crisis (1), Homelessness (1), American Dream (1), Hope (1), Community (1), Hero (1), Drugs (1), Justice (1), Racism (1), Capitalism (1), Globalization (1), Change (1), Documentary (1), Crime (1), Economics (1)
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