Savage (Savage: The Bigfoot Legend...Lives) (2011)
list by filthyhandsgod
list by filthyhandsgod
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"Watched on: December 28th, 2023. Pretty decent, but not the best Bigfoot movie in the world. I've definitely seen better, but the tone was right for what it was. The Bigfoot in itself (the creature) was a bit different than other more conventional versions that most would imagine, which is.. fine (for the most part). I do find it funny though that a supposed 7-9ft / 400-600lbs "Bigfoot" could be acrobatic and cat-like in it's movement... despite being so big. Altho, this Bigfoot in particular d"
"Watched on: December 28th, 2023. Pretty decent, but not the best Bigfoot movie in the world. I've definitely seen better, but the tone was right for what it was. The Bigfoot in itself (the creature) was a bit different than other more conventional versions that most would imagine, which is.. fine (for the most part). I do find it funny though that a supposed 7-9ft / 400-600lbs "Bigfoot" could be acrobatic and cat-like in it's movement... despite being so big. Altho, this Bigfoot in particular d"