Torture Scenes - Movies
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Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) (1935)
"HMS Bounty leaves England in 1787 on a two-year voyage over the Pacific Ocean. The ship's captain, William Bligh (Charles Laughton), is a brutal tyrant who routinely administers harsh punishment to officers and crew alike who lack discipline, cause any infraction on board the ship, or in any manner defy his authority. Fletcher Christian (Clark Gable), the ship's lieutenant, is a formidable yet compassionate man who disapproves of Bligh's treatment of the crew. Roger Byam (Franchot Tone) is an idealistic midshipman who is divided between his loyalty to Bligh, owing to his family's naval tradition, and his friendship with Christian." (Wikipedia)

Charles Laughton, Donald Crisp, Eddie Quillan et al
Kandi's rating:

"...Samson is blinded by his captors, put to slave work and is eventually brought to the temple of Dagon for the entertainment of the Philistines and of the Saran." (Wikipedia)

Henry Wilcoxon and Victor Mature
Kandi's rating:

The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
"At the following morning's assembly, Nicholson (Guinness) orders his officers to remain behind when the enlisted men are sent off to work. Saito slaps him across the face with his copy of the conventions and threatens to have them shot, but Nicholson refuses to back down. When Major Clipton (James Donald), the British medical officer, intervenes, Saito leaves the officers standing all day in the intense tropical heat. That evening, the officers are placed in a punishment hut, while Nicholson is locked in an iron box." (Wikipedia)

James Donald and Alec Guinness
Kandi's rating:

Ben-Hur (1959)
After three years as a galley slave, Judah is assigned to the flagship of the Roman Consul Quintus Arrius (Jack Hawkins), who has been charged with destroying a fleet of Macedonian pirat"es. Arrius admires Judah's determination and self-discipline and offers to train him as a gladiator or charioteer. Judah declines the offer, declaring that God will aid him in his quest for vengeance." (Wikipedia)

"Blaming Roman rule for his family's fate, Judah rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. Learning that Tirzah is dying, Judah and Esther take her and Miriam to see Jesus Christ (Claude Heater), but the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate has begun. Judah witnesses the crucifixion of Jesus, and Miriam and Tirzah are miraculously healed during the rainstorm following the crucifixion. Judah declares, "And I felt His voice take the sword out of my hand." (Wikipedia)

Charlton Heston
"Blaming Roman rule for his family's fate, Judah rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. Learning that Tirzah is dying, Judah and Esther take her and Miriam to see Jesus Christ (Claude Heater), but the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate has begun. Judah witnesses the crucifixion of Jesus, and Miriam and Tirzah are miraculously healed during the rainstorm following the crucifixion. Judah declares, "And I felt His voice take the sword out of my hand." (Wikipedia)

Kandi's rating:

"Later that night, Babe (Dustin Hoffman) is abducted from his apartment by the two men who mugged him in the park and brought to Szell (Laurence Olivier). Szell tortures him using a dental probe on a cavity in his tooth and repeatedly asking "Is it safe?" (to retrieve his diamonds). Babe truthfully denies any knowledge, but Szell tortures Babe relentlessly regardless of his answers. Babe is rescued by Janeway (William Devane), who explains that Szell is in America to recover the large cache of diamonds." (Wikipedia)

Laurence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman
Kandi's rating:

Kandi's rating:

"McAllister tortures Murtaugh (Danny Glover) for information regarding the heroin shipment. Meanwhile, Joshua (Gary Busey) has Riggs (Mel Gibson) tortured by a henchman with electric shocks."(Wikipedia)

Gary Busey, Mel Gibson

Gary Busey

Mel Gibson
Kandi's rating:

Misery (1990)
"...However, when Annie (Bates) discovers that Misery dies at the end of the book she flies into a rage, almost smashing a table on Paul's head. She reveals that she lied about calling his agent and the authorities; nobody knows where he is. Annie leaves and Paul tries to escape from his room, but she has locked the door.
The next morning, Annie forces Paul (Caan) to burn his latest manuscript. When he is well enough to get out of bed, she insists he write a new novel entitled Misery's Return, in which he brings the character back to life. Paul complies, believing Annie might kill him otherwise. He also tells her he will use Annie's name in the book in appreciation of her nursing him back to health. However, having found a way of escaping his room, he sneaks out when Annie is away and begins stockpiling his painkillers. He tries poisoning Annie during a candlelit dinner, but fails when she accidentally spills her drugged wine. During another venture out of his room, Paul finds a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about Annie's past. He discovers that she was suspected and tried for the deaths of several infants, but the trial crumbled due to lack of evidence. Paul also learns that Annie quoted lines he had written in his Misery novels during her trial. Annie later drugs Paul and straps him to the bed. When he wakes, she tells him that she knows he has been out of his room and breaks his feet with a sledgehammer to prevent him from trying to escape again." (Wikipedia)

The next morning, Annie forces Paul (Caan) to burn his latest manuscript. When he is well enough to get out of bed, she insists he write a new novel entitled Misery's Return, in which he brings the character back to life. Paul complies, believing Annie might kill him otherwise. He also tells her he will use Annie's name in the book in appreciation of her nursing him back to health. However, having found a way of escaping his room, he sneaks out when Annie is away and begins stockpiling his painkillers. He tries poisoning Annie during a candlelit dinner, but fails when she accidentally spills her drugged wine. During another venture out of his room, Paul finds a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about Annie's past. He discovers that she was suspected and tried for the deaths of several infants, but the trial crumbled due to lack of evidence. Paul also learns that Annie quoted lines he had written in his Misery novels during her trial. Annie later drugs Paul and straps him to the bed. When he wakes, she tells him that she knows he has been out of his room and breaks his feet with a sledgehammer to prevent him from trying to escape again." (Wikipedia)

Kathy Bates and James Caan
Kandi's rating:

The Grifters (1990) (1990)
"At the hospital, Lilly (Anjelica Huston) meets and takes an instant dislike to Roy's girlfriend, Myra Langtry (Bening), who is a few years older than her son. Lilly urges her son to quit the grift, saying he literally does not have the stomach for it. Because she leaves late for La Jolla, she misses a race where the winner was paying 70–1. For this mistake, Bobo (Pat Hingle) burns her hand with a cigar."(Wikipedia)

Pat Hingle and Anjelica Huston
Kandi's rating:

Reservoir Dogs (1992)
" Alone with Blonde, Nash denies knowledge of a setup. Blonde is uninterested and tortures Nash for his own amusement, severing his ear with a straight razor. He douses him with gasoline, but before he can ignite it, Orange shoots him dead. Orange tells Nash he is an undercover police officer and that police are coming." (Wikipedia)

Kirk Baltz and Michael Madsen
Kandi's rating:

Death and the Maiden (1995)
"Paulina Escobar (Weaver) is a housewife married to a prominent lawyer in an unnamed South American country. One day a storm forces her husband Gerardo (Wilson) to ride home with a charming stranger. She is convinced that the stranger, Dr. Miranda (Kingsley), was part of the old fascist regime and that he tortured and raped her for weeks while she was blindfolded. Paulina takes him captive to determine the truth. Despite attempts by both her husband and Miranda to convince her that he is innocent, Paulina is certain that he is the one, and forces her husband to be Miranda's "attorney" in the "trial" she arranges for him." (Wikipedia)

Ben Kingsley and Sigourney Weaver
Kandi's rating:

Braveheart (1995)
"In London, Wallace is brought before an English magistrate (David Gant), tried for high treason, and condemned to public torture and beheading. Even whilst being hanged, drawn and quartered, Wallace (Gibson) refuses to submit to the king. As cries for mercy come from the watching crowd deeply moved by the Scotsman's valor, the magistrate offers him one final chance, asking him only to utter the word, "Mercy", and be granted a quick death. Wallace instead shouts, "Freedom!", and the judge orders his death. Moments before being decapitated, Wallace sees a vision of Murron(McCormack) in the crowd, smiling at him." (Wikipedia)

Mel Gibson
Kandi's rating:

Payback (1999)
"The next day, Bronson (Kristofferson) and his mob associate Fairfax (James Coburn) join the hunt to take him down. Porter (Mel Gibson) is captured by the Outfit's men after a wild chain of events and a shootout involving Stegman (Paymer), as well as Pearl and triads, which ends with Stegman and all of Pearl's henchmen being killed (only Pearl survives). Porter is taken to a warehouse where he is beaten and tortured for several hours by the Outfit's men, leading to having two of his toes smashed with a hammer to force him to give up the location of Bronson's son." (Wikipedia)

Kris Kristofferson

James Coburn

Mel Gibson
Kandi's rating:

"The group goes to Istanbul, where Jones realises that if Renard were to insert the stolen plutonium into the submarine's nuclear reactor, the resulting nuclear explosion would destroy Istanbul, sabotaging the Russians' oil pipeline in the Bosphorus while dramatically increasing the value of Elektra's oil. Bond then gets a signal from the hacked locator card in the Maiden's Tower just before Zukovsky's underling, Bullion blows up the command centre. Zukovsky is knocked unconscious and Bond and Jones are captured by Elektra's henchmen. Jones (Denise Richards) is taken aboard the submarine, which was seized by Renard's men. Bond is taken to the tower, where Elektra (Sophie Marceau) tortures him with a garrote." (Wikipedia)

Pierce Brosnan and Sophie Marceau
Kandi's rating:

Die Another Day (2002)
"MI6 officer James Bond—agent 007—infiltrates a North Korean military base, where Colonel Tan-Sun Moon is illegally trading weapons for African blood diamonds. After Moon's assistant Zao discovers that Bond is a British agent, the colonel attempts to kill Bond and a hovercraft chase ensues, which ends with Moon's apparent death. Bond survives, but is captured by North Korean soldiers and imprisoned by the Colonel's father, General Moon.
After 14 months of captivity and torture, Bond is traded for Zao in a prisoner exchange." (Wikipedia)

After 14 months of captivity and torture, Bond is traded for Zao in a prisoner exchange." (Wikipedia)

Sarllya and Pierce Brosnan
Kandi's rating:

Casino Royale (2006)
"Le Chiffre's henchmen capture Vesper (Green) and Bond. Before Bond passes out, Le Chiffre Mikkelsen) reveals that Mathis has betrayed Bond and tortures him for the password." (Wikipedia)

Daniel Craig and Mads Mikkelsen
Kandi's rating:

The Last King of Scotland (2007)
"A hijacked aircraft is flown to Entebbe by pro-Palestinian hijackers seeking asylum from agents of international law. Amin, sensing a major publicity opportunity, rushes to the scene, taking Garrigan along. At the airport, one of Amin's bodyguards discovers Garrigan's plot to poison Amin under the ruse of giving him pills for a headache. His treachery revealed, Garrigan is beaten by Amin's henchmen before Amin himself arrives and discloses he is aware of the relationship with Kay. As punishment, Garrigan's chest is pierced with meat hooks before being hanged by his skin.
Amin arranges a plane for the release of non-Israeli passengers, and the torturers leave Garrigan unconscious and bleeding on the floor while they relax in another room. Garrigan's medical colleague, Dr. Junju, takes advantage of the opportunity to rescue him. He urges Garrigan to tell the world the truth about Amin's regime, asserting that the world will believe Garrigan because he is white." (Wikipedia)

Amin arranges a plane for the release of non-Israeli passengers, and the torturers leave Garrigan unconscious and bleeding on the floor while they relax in another room. Garrigan's medical colleague, Dr. Junju, takes advantage of the opportunity to rescue him. He urges Garrigan to tell the world the truth about Amin's regime, asserting that the world will believe Garrigan because he is white." (Wikipedia)

James McAvoy and Forest Whitaker
Kandi's rating:

"In 2003, Maya (Chastain), a young U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officer, has spent her entire brief career, since being recruited for the agency, focused solely on gathering intelligence related to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, following the terrorist organization's September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001. She is reassigned to the U.S. embassy in Pakistan to work with a fellow officer, Dan (Clarke). During the first months of her assignment, Maya often accompanies Dan to a black site for his continuing interrogation of Ammar al-Baluchi (Kateb), a detainee with suspected links to several of the hijackers in the September 11 attacks. Dan subjects the detainee to approved torture interrogation techniques, i.e., stress positions, hooding, subjection to deafening noise, sleep deprivation, waterboarding, and humiliation.(Wikipedia)

Jason Clarke

Reda Kateb
Kandi's rating:

Spectre (2015)
"The two travel to the hotel and discover White left evidence directing them to Oberhauser's operations base in the desert. After an encounter with Hinx that sees the assassin killed, Bond and Swann are escorted to Oberhauser's base. There, Oberhauser reveals that Spectre has been funding the Joint Intelligence Service while staging terrorist attacks around the world, creating a need for the Nine Eyes programme. In return C will give Spectre unlimited access to intelligence gathered by Nine Eyes, allowing them to anticipate and counter-act investigations into their operations. Bond is tortured as Oberhauser discusses their shared history: after the younger Bond was orphaned, Oberhauser's father, Hannes, became his temporary guardian. Believing that Bond supplanted his role as son, Oberhauser killed his father and staged his own death, subsequently adopting the name Ernst Stavro Blofeld and going on to form Spectre. Bond and Swann overpower him and escape, destroying the base in an explosion and leaving Blofeld to die." (Wikipedia)

Daniel Craig

Christoph Waltz
Kandi's rating:

Added on 28 April 2016 12:10
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