Ingrid Bergman and director Roberto Rossellini: After the wedding - the honeymoon - of Ingrid Bergman and Rossellini (3rd June 1950).

Prelude to the Festival: the arrival in Venice of Barbara Stanwyck and Bob Taylor (26th August 1950).
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Tempo (Time) was an Italian weekly newsmagazine whose first issue was published on 7th June 1939 (although the date of the 1st June 1939 is printed on the cover). It was published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Arnoldo Mondadori Publishing) from 1939 to 1946; from this year, it was published by Aldo Palazzi Editore.
Tempo was one of the most popular Italian newsmagazine from the 1940s to the 1960s.
Above: cover of the first issue, about the daily work of a miner (1st July 1939).
See also:

Tempo_1 (Italian Magazine)

Tempo_2 (Italian Magazine)
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"Tempo" Gallery (Italian Magazine)
(31 lists)list by rickterenzi
Published 8 years, 10 months ago
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