Sexiest Female Witches (TV Edition)
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Charmed (1998)
Phoebe Halliwell
(Actress: Alyssa Milano)
Prue Halliwell
(Actress: Shannon Doherty)
Paige Matthews
(Actress: Rose McGowan)
Piper Halliwell
(Actress: Holly Marie Combs)
EarthsMagick's rating:
EarthsMagick's rating:
The Originals (2013)
Davina Claire
(Actress: Danielle Campbell)
Sophie Deveraux
(Actress: Daniella Pineda)
Freya Mikaelson
(Actress: Riley Voelkel)
EarthsMagick's rating:
The sexiest female witches in TV series. There is a separate list for males as well as two separate lists for Movie witches. List is in no specific order.
Suggestions are always welcome.
Suggestions are always welcome.
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