new deep inner self,
fun ...:
Transdisciplinary vision ( Fusion on fission - Zoom out/zoom in ),
Surgical paedophilia ( circumcision ), Cerebral plasticity ( neural network ), Body interface,
5 senses, Relationship to pleasure and pain, Induction, Sensitivity to multifield information, Empathy, "Pleasure of giving", Curiosity, Creativity, Sociopathy rates, Obsession/compulsion, harassment
Brain hacking, Systemic corruption, Cognitive bias, [ Censorship > self censorship ], Management, Propaganda, Consent manufacturing, double ethic, Manichaeism (< Grey zone), essentialism,
Overton window, social norms, multidisciplinary subversion,
Instrumentalisation, Triangulation, Probability rate, Synchronization, False flag, Structural state terrorism, insularity, Horizontal conflict, Diversion, Divide/conquier,
Strategy of tension ( Repression by : police, delinquency, terrorism, Virus, Chaos, Next step : Energetic black out ( + internet ), artificial food crisis, exchange market inflation ),
Representative Democracy fraud ( choose between shit and same shit ),
so-called democrats, so-called republicans,
Neo Pravda, Globalized Wealthy Communism, Neo-feudalism,
Monetary standard ( gold stallion, work stallion, silver, infrastructures, raw materials, "none" ),
FED/BCE, Private banks consortium, Copyright, Financial control, Social class warfare,
Systemic piracy, Oil financial geopolitic, Hybrid 3rd world war,
Predatory socio-economic structure, Configuration,
Lowest social bidder, Lowest ecological bidder, Competitivness, profitability ( annuitants ), Cuted down incomes ( low ), Concealed slavery, Financial acceleration, Financial speculation, Short sale transaction, Business founded on Chaos, Tax money laundering,
Human objectivisation ( commodification ), Use value, Exchange value, Financial product,
Stock market casino, Gambling activities, Markets levitation, Quantitative easing,
Money "printing" press, Systemic failure, Mathematic aberration, Ponzi,
Economic fact ( credit- debit ),
Economic "sciences" ( another fun one ), Double inflation, Structural unemployement,
Piracy, Debt, Communicating vessels, trickle down economics ( up ), "Perpetual" systemic crisis,
Profits privatisation/debts socialization,
Exploitation/Redistribution ( > social relationship > social structuration ),
Level of extortion of surplus value,
Trusts, "Philanthropy", NGO, Pyromaniac firefighters, Ouroboros,
Big picture, Balance, Mecanism, Physical sciences, Biomimetics,
Competitive complementarity ( competing synergy ),
Direct democracy ( 3 levels, liberalism, blockchain, from 30 years old to 65 ),
State fundamental basically strategic services ( water, energy, web indexing, to be defined ... ),
State companies ( interior Quotas, Accounting Law, no patent, no export, no trusts ),
State mass retail company,
Strong democratic state ≥ strong private sector ( monetary creation sharing )
Ultra conservatism ≥ Ultra liberalism,
virtue ≥ vice,
Salaried non-military service ( youth, dirty jobs ),
Potentially dynamic landlocked sociologic retro-virus,
Birth control ( not death control ), Symbiosis, Negentropy, Unalienated generic being,
World federation of direct democraties, End of childish antiquity, Modernity,
Basically ...
This self-destructive behaviour is a by-product of negative fractals such as surgical paedophilia (neuro-biologic massification) and bad economic structure's configuration controlling the deep state controlling the visible state programming massified us
( old testament free of the new one = conversion by the market = Systemic corruption = so-called liberalism/conservatism = social class warfare + long time evolution ),
the guys of the deep state and their puppets being like us : nothing, drones, probably less and worse because of the nature of their capital and the way they have been "made" closer to the financial "vortex" (psychotic obsessional humanoid creatures of the unvisible financial state).
The principle of money gambling activities involve the possibility to corner an existing value without any work performed by the gambler, this existing value having been valued by more or less concealed slavework ( unframed usury = financial speculation = money gambling = slavery = anti-democratic state ( bad debt ) = social class warfare, war ).
The only way to value a fake money "printed" from nothing ( end of the Bretton Woods system 1971 = corruptibility increase, systemic poison ) to make "levitate the virtual markets", is by
lowering the monetary inflation/price increase ( cuted down local incomes --- international free trade/low cost slavery --- raw materials stealing by high altitude bombardments ( millions barrels of oil consumed each day at a low price = militarized petrodollar ) < coup d'état funding ( regime change ) + economic blockade < indebtedness = foreign economic predation ).
FMI or similar > CIA or similar > OTAN or similar + long time ( why South America isn't a big Spain ? ).
One current dollar represent 7 cents of a 1913's dollar.
Double inflation : bearish for the real economy (wages), bullish for the virtual stock exchange market
( Communicating vessels - trickle down economics ( up ) ).
Triangulation: cost of life vs wage vs money value.
Socio-economic containment (quarantine) = indebtedness acceleration by proxy ( cash crisis > fake state "magic money" (no state central bank), to refund soonly one way or another, tax money laundering... ).
The "use value" represent the production's cost plus the benefit ( real price ). However the exchange value represent the "use value" plus the cost of market exchange ( parasitism - financial speculation ). In the realm of exchange value, the steak in your plate has not been made to be eaten but to be bought, sold, rebought, resold ..., the average is 18 times ... By coupling marketing and low cost workers you can find pairs of shoe with prices multiplied by nine.
Your steak and anything else ( yourself ) is a financial product, a temporary financial placement. By consuming, paying taxes, you are consumed by the share owner ( debt super mecanism ) and logicaly,
the products ( ourselves ) must be as poorly produced as possible to maximize the benefit : cheaper, quicker, easier, as less ecological as possible ........
Also a critical capitalistic mass can define the price by controlling the entire stock ("co-trusts").
Most of the time, this stock doesn't even move from its place.
The question is : from how many local unemployed workers, a Chinese laborer for example, cease to be profitable for the hedge funds and their share owners ? ( free trade/uncontrolled capital )
Real ecology isn't "share owners friendly"..: the financial structural determinism decide of everything as the only real massified investor (subsidising subsidised usurers, consolidated capital, censorship, propaganda, lobbies), while a state without money creation and commercial assets (corrupted empty shell) can't compete and make progress the socio-economic system witch dive little by little, decade after decade, pollution after pollution...
All this while most of the time, the politicians and medias fill your brain with crap.
Pretty ridiculous isn't it ?
Money ( quantification of everything ) = aknowledgement of debt ( driven subventions, loans, credits )
The "liberal" or "conservative" wealth of some ones crushes
the "liberal" or "conservative" financial powerlessness of all the others and whatnot.
It's about inequalities in equality ( double ethical joke ).
The most agressive and subtely malevolent in the same time psychopath socio-capitalist machine always win with time, one way or another, until the fall of its empire (loan, "clean surgical" wars, philantropy, GNO, mercenaries, disinformation, false flag, nice speeches, instrumentalised human rights, chimeric credit ...).
the avening of "reticular numeric communication networks" ( internet proxy ) maximizing in turn
the autonomy of exchange value (globalized speed accounting machine / nanosecond / purchase and sell orders / accessible to anyone at home...).
Also, the mass, density and induced inertia of this new communication network maximize the spread of misleading rumours, the rumour becoming now unstoppable ...
As well, consider A.I. singularity as already here while autonomous globalized finance express itself at lightspeed through the heavy cybernetic of internet (capitalist process finalization, "the world after" since the 90's) :
The natural evolutionary process of human species is finally totally inverted ( as the process of democratisation ),
6th mass extinction is ongoing,
Biosafety level 4 labs and GMO viruses (flu) flourishing everywhere on the globe ...,
loss of the natural ability of human population to self-regulate,
economy based on pluri-disciplinary pollution,
general powerlessness (more or less masked financial dictatorships, super heroes movies),
wholesale dumbing-down of the population including the secessionist "elites" and other drones of the superstructure ...,
the human word doesn't mean anything anymore :
Governments dont govern anymore (no money "printer", no capital regulation, no commercial company), they just manage a permanent systemic socio-economic crisis (pressure strategy, pluri-disciplinary repression and national debt rating maintenance) and are now only the empty appendixes of the liberated fractal programmatic basis of globalized capitalism (profit and its security ).
Money and our relationship to it (social engineering, disinformation, massified brain hacking, moving the Overton social norm) define alone from the base the social relationships inducing the social structure itself : balance in the cannibalism, vampyrism, zombification, robotization, piracy, alienation, nature of the capitalism, how we consume ourselves and the planet, racketeering, Level of extortion of surplus value, blood and sweat of the poors of the world.
Neoliberal/neoconservatism is a structural phenomenon (unruled usury systemic - massified share owners - tax money laundering - systemic corruption) hybridizing communism, fascism (for the rich and extremely rich, pass-through-law, untouchability expansion, Pandora's box,
now dead international law), nazism ( applied on the masses directly or undirectly, viral social engineering, carpet bombing, violent repression : Yellowjackets 2018 : https://lemurjaune.fr/ ).
If i progress malevolently two steps further and move back a step to apologize, i've gone further by one step ...
If i do this a lot ...
There's no such thing as predicaments, only more or less problematic solutions
( Collateral damages : what kind ?, how much ?, how many ? ).
The main characteristic of a sociopath, is a virulent inferiority complex subjecting him
(without even being conscient of it) to demean and lower by surreptitious unthought methods
the individuals of a group, with the unconscious primary purpose to integrate their circle.
This group being torn apart during the process while the cold, apathetic and empty instigator
of the discord, suffering of deep boredom, will take control of it almost unwillingly, making of his new subjects the undirects victims of the diverse causes of his mental illness, inhumanity and inability for life.
School and media-cultural programs conditioning family transmission induce social mimetics,
all this evolving under the empire of a pluri-transdisciplinary circular feedback mechanism conditioned itself by the planned obsolescence at the source of the socio-economic system (Overton window, massification, social norms, timespace continuum, massified share owner's liberal usury dialectic, systemic crisis, electro-cybernetic financial dictatorship, structural determinism).
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The world is a "whole" while science separates each discipline in distinctive fields, fusion on fission.A complex determinist tangle of simple elements according to the scale of observation (zoom out = primary purpose in last instance), these elements being in direct or indirect relation to each other, by simple or multiple mediation, the prospective or retroprospective analysis of the system being possible only after obtainment of empiric data perfectly inaccessible trough the corrupted mainstream communication lines, under control of the omnipotent financial structure (self regulated).
The result of a mathematic operation cannot be modified without changing its arithmetic prerequisites.
The ultimate goal of monetary creation should be to materialize a sociologic system able to stop monetary creation.
To finish, plots don't make history, but historical structuration give the possibility of the plot
(space and arrow of time, ripeness of the system),
the financial structure isn't good or bad, doesn't think or see in long time or plot stuffs, it's a pharmakon like language, scripture, printing, internet, "A.I." ..., a tool with no generic morality, acting through its basic programmation to protect itself :
multiplied by the mass :
a free as a god entangled critical capitalistic mass,
hoping for quick, easy, secure, strong growing
whatever the real cost is,
Fractal Programmatic Basis:
( Petit poème en prose thanatonautique )
Drapé dans ses délices, je m'abandonne à sa faim insatiable.
Du dessus, je regarde mon corps absorbé par la matière noire.
Le temps s'est arrêté, suspendu à mon dernier souffle;
le vent, d'un simple murmure, m'emporte dans la nuit sans étoile.
Je suis sauvé.
Je ne suis plus là.
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