Fastest Land Animals
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Pronghorn Antelope
There really isn’t an accurate measurement of the pronghorn antelope’s top speed but it has been clocked at 61 mph (98 kph) with indications that it can actually run faster. Being that it has larger vital organs such as the lungs and heart, it can sustain this lightning speed longer than the cheetah. However…
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Quarter Horse
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Black Buck
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Cape Hunting Dog
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Red Kangaroo
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The second domesticated animal on the list; the greyhound used to be primarily bred for racing, but is now more popular as a family pet. This sighthound can speed up to 43 mph (69 kph) within 30 m and bound at almost 20 mps for the race’s first 250 meters. This breed is second to the fastest animal on land, the cheetah in terms of accelerating over a short distance.
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Gray Fox
There are only 2 living members of the genus Urocyon, the Channel Island fox and the gray fox. Because of man’s fervor for advancement, the gray fox (considered one of the most primitive of the living canids) has been outnumbered by the red fox. Grey foxes can run up to 42 mph (67.5 kph) and is able to climb trees to evade predators.
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Thomson’s Gazelle
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Hyenas have always been known for the their vocalizations; such as their chattering laugh, yells and giggles, earning them the nickname “laughing hyenas”. But the laughter and giggles are not synonymous to fun or comedy. Rather, the laughter is more of a nervous laugh and is indicative of agitation and alarm. You don’t want to alarm these guys for not only do they possess the strongest jaws in proportion to body size in the mammal kingdom, they can also run at 40 mph (64 kph)…that’s right, it can run faster than you.
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The black and white stripes on a Zebra’s pelt has inspired not only the fashion and art world but even the color of the seats of Mbombela Stadium; one of South Africa’s most eye catching infrastructures. As a member of the African equids, they can run as fast as 40 mph (64 kph) and can outrun most of their predators.
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Mongolian Wild Ass
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In the wild, speed is one of the most important means of survival. If you don’t have that, then you have to be smart enough to outwit your predators. As such, the animals on this list have a distinct advantage since they are some of the fastest land animals alive.