Kate Burton
Birth Name: Katherine Burton
Age: 67, born 10 September 1957
Country of origin: Switzerland
Currently Residing In: United States
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Michael Ritchie
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Rating: | 1151 Watched |
Rating: | 556 Watched |
Rating: | 646 Watched |
Rating: | 1934 Watched |
Rating: | 1131 Watched |
Rating: | 943 Watched |
Rating: | 889 Watched |
Rating: | 626 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:โข Stay (2005) : Killed in a car crash with her son, Ryan Gosling, husband, Bob Hoskins and Elizabeth Reaser, when their car flips over following a burst tire. Her body is later seen along with Bob and Reaser as Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts try to save a dying Ryan. โข Remember Me (2010) : Killed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack with Robert Pattinson in Pierce Brosnan's office. โข Martyrs (2015) : Shot in the head by Bailey Noble.TV:โข Grey's Anatomy: Some Kind of Miracle (2007)"
"Kate Burton10 September 1957Burton has 2 children:โข Morgan Ritchie (1988);โข Charlotte Frances Ritchie (1998);"
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