Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Birth Name: Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский
Born: 11 November 1821 Died: 9 February 1881
Country of origin: Russian Federation
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Maria Dmitrievna Isayeva, Anna Grigorevna Snitkina
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"Probably the greatest ever novelist. In his youth Dostoyevsky took part in a revolutionary circle and was sentenced to death, but it was commuted to forced labor in Siberia and years of exile. During his prison years he found religion, which eventually fueled is creativity and thinking even further. His novels are some of the best ever written in style and depth, and his later thoughts on existentialism, ethics and humanity keep inspiring and influencing people all around the world to this day."

"The single greatest novelist of all time. The man was both deeply philosophical and knew human psychology like no other. He actually describes many psychological issues not officially understood until decades later."