Dick Elliott
Birth Name: Richard Damon Elliot
Born: 30 April 1886 Died: 22 December 1961
Country of origin: United States
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Short, portly, and possessed of a high-pitched laugh that cuts through the air like a buzzsaw, Massachussetts-born Dick Elliott had been on stage for nearly thirty before making his screen bow in 1933. Elliott was a frequent visitor to Broadway, enjoying a substantial run in the marathon hit Abie's Irish Rose. Physically and vocally unchanged from his first screen appearance in the '30s to his last in 1961, Elliott was most generally cast in peripheral roles designed to annoy the film's principal characters with his laughing jags or his obtrusive behavior; in this capacity, he appeared as drunken conventioneers, loud-mouthed the
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1. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Rating: | 1903 Watched |
2. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
Rating: | 669 Watched |
3. High Noon (1952)
Rating: | 619 Watched |
4. Gun Crazy (1950)
Rating: | 153 Watched |
5. Man of the West (1958)
Rating: | 122 Watched |
View all Dick Elliott movies (258 more)
Most popular
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1. I Love Lucy (1951)
Rating: | 540 Watched |
2. The Andy Griffith Show (1960)
Rating: | 221 Watched |
3. Adventures of Superman (1952)
Rating: | 69 Watched |
4. The Lone Ranger (1949)
Rating: | 26 Watched |
5. Maverick (1957)
Rating: | 29 Watched |
View all Dick Elliott TV (52 more)