Debra Winger
Birth Name: Mary Debra Winger
Age: 69, born 16 May 1955
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 4"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Arliss Howard
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Rating: | 625 Watched |
Rating: | 416 Watched |
Rating: | 331 Watched |
Rating: | 1166 Watched |
Rating: | 908 Watched |
Rating: | 646 Watched |
Rating: | 288 Watched |
Rating: | 281 Watched |
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"Debra Lynn Winger16 May 1955Winger has 2 children:• Emmanuel Noah Hutton (1987);• Gideon Babe Ruth Howard (1997);"
"#3 NOMINATIONS 1-Shadowlands (1993) 2-Terms of Endearment (1983) 3-An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)"
" 1984 - NOMINEE Best Actress in a Leading Role DEBRA WINGER as Emma Greenway-Horton in TERMS OF ENDEARMENT 1983 | dir: James L. Brooks 1983 - NOMINEE Best Actress in a Leading Role DEBRA WINGER as Paula Pokrifki in AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN 1982 | dir: Taylor Hackford "
"EMMA HORTON/"Terms of Endearment": Outsider Role : Paula POKRIFKI/"An Officer and a Gentleman": "
"3 Nominations1994: Best actress nominee for 'Shadowlands' 1984: Best actress nominee for 'Terms of Endearment' 1983: Best actress nominee for 'An Officer and a Gentleman'"