Cuba Gooding Jr.
Birth Name: Cuba M. Gooding Junior
Age: 56, born 2 January 1968
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 10"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Sara Kapfer
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Cuba Gooding Jr. Videos
Rating: | 3238 Watched |
Rating: | 3083 Watched |
Rating: | 2457 Watched |
Rating: | 2231 Watched |
Rating: | 1778 Watched |
Rating: | 1210 Watched |
Rating: | 1166 Watched |
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
Rating: | 1041 Watched |
Rating: | 908 Watched |
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Rating: | 4 Watched |
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" Rod Tidwell - Jerry Maguire "I wanna make sure you're ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. Oh-ho-ho! SHOW! ME! THE! MONEY! A-ha-ha! Jerry, doesn't it make you feel good just to say that! Say it with me one time, Jerry." "
" as O.J. Simpson The real O.J. Simpson "
"Si gano un Óscar ( inmerecido) por Jerry Maguire y tiene alguna buena como hombres de honor pero a partir de ahí su carrera no tiene ningún sentido. "
" 1997 - WINNER Best Actor in a Supporting Role CUBA GOODING JR. as Rod Tidwell in JERRY MAGUIRE 1996 | dir: Cameron Crowe "
" Cuba Gooding Jr. Starred in: Boyz N the Hood (1991, John Singleton) "
"Cuba Mark Gooding Jr.American Actor• African-American;• African-Barbadian; "
"The Jerry Maguire star, who won for his role as Rod Tidwell, delivered an enthusiastic acceptance speech after he won the best supporting actor Oscar. Gooding beat out William H. Macy (Fargo), Armin Mueller Stahl (Shine), Edward Norton (Primal Fear) and James Woods (Ghosts of Mississippi) for the prize and quickly thanked several people, including his wife, Cameron Crowe, Tom Cruise, James L. Brooks, Regina King and "Everybody involved with the movie!" Gooding proclaimed "I love you!" s"
" Session #6: ROANOKE As "Matt Miller / Dominic Banks""