Charles Vanel
Birth Name: Charles-Marie Vanel
Born: 21 August 1892 Died: 15 April 1989
Country of origin: France
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Arlette Mauricette Bailly
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Charles Vanel was a French actor and director. During his 76-year film career, which began in 1912, he appeared in more than 200 films and worked with many prominent directors, including Alfred Hitchcock, Luis Buñuel, Jacques Feyder and Henri-Georges Clouzot. He is perhaps best remembered for his role as a desperate truck driver in Clouzot's "The Wages of Fear" for which he received a Special Mention at the Cannes Film Festival in 1953. Vanel also served in the French Army during World War I.
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2. Diabolique (1955)
Rating: | 453 Watched |
3. The Wages of Fear (1953)
Rating: | 326 Watched |
4. Three Brothers (1981)
Rating: | 30 want to see |
5. La Vérité (1960)
Rating: | 32 Watched |
View all Charles Vanel movies (52 more)
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2. La nuit des Césars (1976)
Rating: | 8 Watched |
4. Cinépanorama
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Movies directed by
1. In the Night (1930)
Rating: | 3 Watched |
Movies written by
1. In the Night (1930)
Rating: | 3 Watched |
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