Talia al Ghul
Birth Name: Talia al Ghul
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10. Talia al Ghul
Daughter of the man who refers to himself as Ra's al Ghul. Now called Talia al Ghul (Arabic: تاليا الغول ) by modern DC marketing.
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“Talia al Ghul belongs on this list of the hottest female characters in DC Comics for one reason. She managed to seduce Batman into sleeping with her and then after she became pregnant, convinced him that she lost the baby.
That’s right.
She seduced, got pregnant, and then convinced the world’s greatest detective that she lost their baby. If you don’t understand how remarkable this is, remember this. Batman has a file on every member of the Justice League that details how to take them down should they go rogue. He’s the most prepared and “ready for anything” superhero in comics. Yet, with Talia al Ghul he was completely blindsided by her seductive ways.
The worst part is that if Talia tried to seduce me, I’d happily go along too.” read more