Brigitte Lin
Birth Name: Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia
Age: 69, born 3 November 1954
Country of origin: Taiwan, Province of China
Currently Residing In: Hong Kong
Height: 5' 7"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Michael Ying
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Rating: | 45 want to see |
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"Ching-Hsia Lin3 November 1954Lin has 2 children:• Oi Lam Ying (1996);• Yin Oi Ying (2001);"
" On her death: "She left suddenly, and I was so frustrated that I always felt that the friendship between us shouldn’t end like this. Over the years, she often appeared in my dreams. Here, she is the same as the real woman—a mysterious woman. The amazing thing is that in the dream, the world thinks she has gone to heaven, but I know that she is still in the world." "Her voice is very beautiful." "If my boyfriend had a change of heart and the object of his affection was Teresa Teng, I wou"