Man's Search for Meaning
list by Mr. Saturn

list by Mr. Saturn

list by Darth Brutus
Compassion and survival...
Release date: 1 December 1997
ISBN-10 : 0671023373 | ISBN-13: 9780671023379

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“Estou estupefato, que livro, que reflexão, o maior contraponto as teses freudianas que já existiu, um judeu que de fato sofreu contando suas experi”

"26.12. I didn't eve know this book existed until today. It's just the kind of heavy dose of Existentialism I needed right now, I just read Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche and some others, so this takes off just where those ones ended."
“"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
The first part of the book is an autobiographical account of the authors time in a concentration camp and what coping mechanisms he used to survive and ultimately "heal" and become stronger afterwards. It is detailed and descriptive in the sense it puts the reader in his shoes and we get to learn about capos or the SS guards who are, lets say, opportunists who lack any form of moral compass. (Falling under psychological egoism in a philosophical sense...) The story appeals because it shows that humans need a purpose and a motivation to cope with seeing loved ones killed or taken away; He asks us and makes us think about what would we do and how would we be able to cope with these ” read more