Wayne Kramer
Country of origin: South Africa
50 votes
Worst Big Budget Directors of All Time
(20 items)list by Mustanaamio7
Published 16 years ago

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Writer/Director Wayne Kramer was born in South Africa, where he graduated from the Johannesburg School for Art, Drama and Music. He immigrated to the United States in 1986 to pursue a career in film.
In 1994, Wayne was a quarterfinalist in the prestigious Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting contest for his script Terminals.
In 1995, he made the Nicholl's semifinals with his script Almost Vera.
In 1996, Wayne wrote and directed the 35mm short film Crossing Over which premiered at the 1996 Santa Barbara International Film Festival. It also screened that year at the Palm Beach International Film Festival and Worldfest Hou
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