If you check out my profile and reviews, then you'd know that I'm a huge fan of survival-horror games. I try to give lesser known games a chance, maybe show them to people who missed them back in their heydey. So, when I found Virus: It is Aware, I thought I had found another game that would quietly impress.
Holy shit, was I wrong. This travesty of a video game was "based" on a movie by the same name starring Jamie Lee Curtis. Never saw the movie, but I will go ahead and guarantee that the movie is better. I'll just throw the main points out:
[1] The game has NO story.
[2] The game is French, and the English subtitles are ass.
[3] The game is buggy beyond belief.
[4] The game is RIDICULOUSLY hard to beat (due to [3]).
[5] The ending is...wait, what ending?
Happily, this game was never released in the U.S. Not so happily, I actually paid money to play this crap.