Yeah, I know, "Mr. Lays, it's stoner humour, chill the fuck out!" If have to be under the influence to enjoy a film, then what does that tell you about the film? This isn't The Wall. I love a good laugh and senseless humour like anybody, but to me this doesn't work to well. The first act of the film is it's best, sadly. And don't even get me started about the inclusion of 3D. If one of your main characters mentions that the 3D craze may be "jumping the shark", we have a problem. Then adding to the problem by having Bobby Lee breaking the fourth wall trying to let you know that your $12 wasn't misspent was just sad.
Yeah, fuck you Bobby Lee, it wasn't.
Alright, now I will tell you how I really feel about the film: The third entry in this series portrays Harold as a consistent (read: working stiff) yet boring person in life, and while Kumar has lost all self respect (read: a fuckin' bum), because his inability to stop getting high, among other issues. The two are no longer friends due to Kumar being irresponsible and Harold being a square. (I personally like the diss "Twinkie" more for Harold heard on the first instalment.) Kumar receives a mysterious package addressed to Harold, tracks him down and proved that he is still irresponsible by burning down a prized Christmas tree. So in search for a replacement Christmas tree, hilarity ensues, or sorta. I will let you be the judge, this is just my opinion. In closing here is a guide to the Harold and Kumar franchise: the first instalment, honestly, had me in tears, the second had some chuckles, and now the third basically produced a few smirks and grins. Maybe I should re-watch with the addition of some Afghan Kush. Then I can enjoy it...or fuck it, do myself a favour and watch Dumb and Dumber again.