As with many "prequels" and "origins stories," there's always the inherent pitfall of deviating from canon. In my younger days, I spent many nights in the fire department on nightwatch reading the original Dune and Dune Messiah, and partially completed Children of Dune before love and marriage got in the way. As bitterly disappointed I was with the 1984 David Lynch bastardization of the novel, I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 parts of the current remaking of Dune. With that in mind, I never read Sisterhood of Dune, and only have the current movies as a framework. Even with the residual HBO "Game of Thrones" vibe (imagine the Harkonnens as a lesser house in Westeros, looking to advance to the Iron Throne), this was a thoroughly enjoyable series and I'm looking forward to Season 2.