Does not disappoint. I really enjoy the world the writer has created with this series and eagerly awaiting the next installment.
This book picks up with Jadir's past as well as a look at his foreign cuture. It was a big change (and unexpected) from the first book but was great to read. After they author gives you a detailed look on Jadir it falls back into place with the group of protagonists and Jadir becomes a major character that some chapters revolve around.
The Warded Man is really fleshed out in this book and you get a good look on just who he is. The author doesn't really dive too deep into The Warded Man's mind but this isn't done with any of the characters, really.
*Bigger Spoiler*
The book leaves me wanting to read the third installment simply because it seemed it was leading up to a conflict that didn't happen. I am very curious to see what happens but dread having to wait for 3 more books to come out.