Set between Terminator 2 and 3, The Sarah Connor Chronicles follows Sarah and John Connor and their Terminator protector, Cameron, who journey from 1997 to 2008 to stop Skynet from coming online.
The show as a good mix of action and drama dealing with the family on the run and their relationship with one another.
Sadly it's taken time to get on its feet - the first episodes of the season 1 were clunkers though things improved for the latter part of the season. Also, the first two episodes of season 2 have been at times boring, poorly paced and confusing. But things have started to improved with episodes 3 and 4.
Summer Glau makes a decent Terminator. Much like her character, River, in Firely and Serenity, her small frame provides a deception for the power she has - a kind of anti-Terminator. Lena Headey is excellent as Sarah Connor - her turmoil and desire to do whatever it takes to protect her son is palpable. My only wish is that Thomas Dekker's John Connor starts to man up and stop being such a cliched teen.