Ruby Blaine
Birth Name: Ruby Blaine
Born: 27 August 1903 Died: 31 May 1976
Country of origin: United States
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Ruby was born in Hutchinson, Kansas. She was one of nine children. Her family moved to Colorado when she was young. She loved riding horses and competed in a rodeo when she was sixteen. After winning a local beauty contest she moved to New York City in 1923 to become an actress. She worked as a dancer and won the title of Miss New York. Ruby made her film debut in the 1925 drama The Midnight Girl. Although her part was small she got positive reviews. Mutual Film Company announced she would star in the The Bobbed Hair Bandit but the film was never made. Producer D.W. Griffith cast her in The Sorrow Of Satan and helped her get a c
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Most popular
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1. Two Tars
Rating: | 23 Watched |
2. The Sorrows of Satan (1926)
Rating: | 6 want to see |
3. The Midnight Girl (1925)
Rating: | 3 want to see |
4. The Booster (1928)
Rating: | 1 Watched |
5. Is Everybody Happy? (1928)
Rating: | 1 Watched |
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