Rhona Mitra
Birth Name: Rhona Natasha Mitra
Age: 48, born 9 August 1976
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Currently Residing In: Canada
Height: 5' 6"
Relationship Status: Single
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Rhona Mitra Videos
Rating: | 2083 Watched |
Rating: | 1418 Watched |
Rating: | 1230 Watched |
Rating: | 1066 Watched |
Rating: | 1222 Watched |
Rating: | 672 Watched |
Rating: | 420 Watched |
Rating: | 340 Watched |
Rating: | 269 Watched |
Update feed
"Movies:โข Get Carter (2000) : Given an overdose of heroin by Mickey Rourke in her bathroom. Her body is shown afterwards when Sylvester Stallone discovers her. โข The Number 23 (2007) : Stabbed to death by Jim Carrey, after she taunts him by saying he doesn't have the guts to kill her. โข Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) : Executed by being exposed to sunlight and burned to death by her father for being impregnated by a werewolf, as Michael Sheen looks on helplessly.โข Hard Target 2 (20"
"Dysnomiaโข The personifiied spirit of lawlessness and poor civil order.โข She was a companion of Adikia, Ate and Hybris. "