Nastassja Kinski
Birth Name: Nastassja Aglaia Nakszynski
Age: 63, born 24 January 1961
Country of origin: Germany
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 6"
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Rick Yune
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Nastassja Kinski Videos
Rating: | 685 Watched |
Rating: | 286 Watched |
Rating: | 178 Watched |
Rating: | 234 Watched |
Rating: | 394 Watched |
Rating: | 93 Watched |
Rating: | 36 Watched |
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"Movies:• Tess (1979) : Executed by hanging. The movie ends with her being led away after being arrested at Stonehenge, followed by a screen of text informing us of her execution.• The Moon in the Gutter (1983) : Appears as a corpse in a dream sequence, when Gerard Depardieu uncovers Katya Berger's body in the morgue and reveals Nastassja's face in place of Katya's.• Somebody Is Waiting (1996) : Shot to death by a group of bank robbers. • Savior (1998) : Killed in an explosion, along with"
"Nastassja Aglaia Nakszynski24 January 1961Kinski has 3 children:• Aljosha Nakszynski (1984);• Sonja Leila Moussa (1986);• enya Kinski-Jones (1993);"