Maria de Medeiros
Birth Name: Maria de Medeiros Esteves Victorino D'Almeida
Age: 59, born 19 August 1965
Country of origin: Portugal
Currently Residing In: France
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Agustí Camps
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"Maria de Medeiros Esteves Victorino D'Almeida19 August 1965Medeiros has 2 children:• Júlia Camps (1997);• Leonor Camps (2003);"
"Maria Esteves de Medeiros Victorino de AlmeidaPortuguese Actress, Director, & Singer• Portuguese;• Spanish;• French; "
" A copy paste of Henry and June right down to the contortionist! (Above right, Steven Meisel's magic marker "cleavage" actually starts at the neck muscle here...) I could not locate a screen cap of the scene in H&J when Anais and June make out in the bar/brothel but the booth and mirror are identical to what Madonna and Meisel stole. As stated Madonna STOLE the Henry and June imagery for Justify My Love and for her 1991 shoot for Rolling Stone. In Henry and June, Maria de Medeiros played Ana"