mijn voltooide anime lijst 12
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The Animals of Farthing Wood (1993)
The Animals of Farthing Wood 1993-95.
A group of animals have to leave their home, the Farthing Wood, which was destroyed by the people. They travel to the famous White Deer Park and want to make a new home there. Fox is their leader and Toad their guide. Also with them are Badger, a very old resident of the Farthing Wood, Owl, who is very wise and often helps them, and Mole, the little friend of Badger.
A group of animals have to leave their home, the Farthing Wood, which was destroyed by the people. They travel to the famous White Deer Park and want to make a new home there. Fox is their leader and Toad their guide. Also with them are Badger, a very old resident of the Farthing Wood, Owl, who is very wise and often helps them, and Mole, the little friend of Badger.
bermuda's rating:

Darkwing Duck (1991)
eps. 91. Darkwing Duck 1991-92.
A bumbling superhero battles crime with the help of his daughter and pilot sidekick.
* i am the terror that flaps in the night
* i am the auditor who wants to look at your books
* i am the batteries that aren't included
* i am the blown fuse that blacks you out
* i am the bubble gum that sticks to your shoe
* i am the burned out bulb you can not reach
* i am the butter that burns in your pan
* i am the cat that should be let out of the bag
* i am the check that overdraws your account
* i am the check writer in the cash only lane
* i am the chill that runs up your spine
* i am the clock cleaner who will ring your chimes
* i am the cloud that rains on your hit parade
* i am the cold sore that stings your lips
* i am the combination lock on the vault of justice
* i am the current of vengeance gurgling through your sewer
* i am the editor that cuts your scene
* i am the editor that leaves you on the cutting room floor
* i am the fast food that comes back to haunt you
* i am the feathery phantom that haunts your nightmares
* i am the fingernail that scrapes the chalkboard of your soul
* i am the flea you cannot flick
* i am the ghost of a chance that you don't have
* i am the grade curve that gives you an 'f'
* i am the hairball that clogs your drain
* i am the hair in the lens of your projector
* i am the ham radio operator that scrambles your reception
* i am the headache in the criminal mind
* i am the heimlich maneuver for the choking victims of crime
* i am the hero that every culture needs
* i am the icky bug that crawls up your trouser leg
* i am the ingrown toenail in your paddy pumps
* i am the ingrown toenail on the foot of crime
* i am the itch you can not reach
* i am the jackal that knaws at your bones
* i am the jailer who throws away the key
* i am the limestone that petrifies your bones
* i am the little mouse that eats your cheese
* i am the lollipop that sticks in your hair
* i am the low point in your sine wave
* i am the low rating that cancels your program
* i am the metal key on the sardine can of justice
* i am the meter on the taxicab of justice
* i am the moth that seeks your porch light
* i am the muddy shoes that track the linoleum of crime
* i am the neurosis that requires a $500 an hour shrink
* i am the number ninety sunblock that'll stop your burn
* i am the onion that stings in your eyes
* i am the original mr. fix-it
* i am the paper cut that ruins your morning
* i am the parking meter that expires while you shop
* i am the pebble in the shoe of ignominy
* i am the pencil that breaks from signing too many autographs
* i am the pimple that forms before a really big date
* i am the pin that will burst your bubble
* i am the pitbull that bites the ankle of crime
* i am the plot twist in the second reel
* i am the principal you are sent to see
* i am the pustulus blister that bursts in your boot
* i am the quality time that ruins your play time
* i am the raspberry seed you can't floss out
* i am the repairman who tells you your warranty just ran out
* i am the rhinestones on the jump suit of justice
* i am the rust in the pipes of crime
* i am the sandtrap on the fairway of evil
* i am the schnauzer that digs up your petunias
* i am the scrubbing bubble to criminal scum
* i am the single career man all women want to date
* i am the slug that slimes your begonias
* i am the smoke that smokes smoked oysters
* i am the soap scum that lines your bathtub
* i am the special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show
* i am the spinach that sticks in your teeth
* i am the squeaky stair that gives away your presence
* i am the squashed bug on your flying saucer windshield
* i am the stain that can't be rubbed out
* i am the substantial and inescapable penalty for early withdrawal
* i am the super nova at the center of the universe
* i am the surprise in your cereal box
* i am the switch that derails your train
* i am the $10 service charge on all returned checks
* i am the termite that devours your floor boards
* i am the thing that goes bump in the night
* i am the tube of cadmium yellow that's impossible to open
* i am the water balloon that lands right on your head
* i am the weedwhacker in the garden of evil
* i am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus
* i am the widget missing from the easy to assemble swingset
* i am the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares
* i am the wrong number that wakes you at 3:00 a.m.
* i am the zit that forms when you got a really big date
A bumbling superhero battles crime with the help of his daughter and pilot sidekick.
* i am the terror that flaps in the night
* i am the auditor who wants to look at your books
* i am the batteries that aren't included
* i am the blown fuse that blacks you out
* i am the bubble gum that sticks to your shoe
* i am the burned out bulb you can not reach
* i am the butter that burns in your pan
* i am the cat that should be let out of the bag
* i am the check that overdraws your account
* i am the check writer in the cash only lane
* i am the chill that runs up your spine
* i am the clock cleaner who will ring your chimes
* i am the cloud that rains on your hit parade
* i am the cold sore that stings your lips
* i am the combination lock on the vault of justice
* i am the current of vengeance gurgling through your sewer
* i am the editor that cuts your scene
* i am the editor that leaves you on the cutting room floor
* i am the fast food that comes back to haunt you
* i am the feathery phantom that haunts your nightmares
* i am the fingernail that scrapes the chalkboard of your soul
* i am the flea you cannot flick
* i am the ghost of a chance that you don't have
* i am the grade curve that gives you an 'f'
* i am the hairball that clogs your drain
* i am the hair in the lens of your projector
* i am the ham radio operator that scrambles your reception
* i am the headache in the criminal mind
* i am the heimlich maneuver for the choking victims of crime
* i am the hero that every culture needs
* i am the icky bug that crawls up your trouser leg
* i am the ingrown toenail in your paddy pumps
* i am the ingrown toenail on the foot of crime
* i am the itch you can not reach
* i am the jackal that knaws at your bones
* i am the jailer who throws away the key
* i am the limestone that petrifies your bones
* i am the little mouse that eats your cheese
* i am the lollipop that sticks in your hair
* i am the low point in your sine wave
* i am the low rating that cancels your program
* i am the metal key on the sardine can of justice
* i am the meter on the taxicab of justice
* i am the moth that seeks your porch light
* i am the muddy shoes that track the linoleum of crime
* i am the neurosis that requires a $500 an hour shrink
* i am the number ninety sunblock that'll stop your burn
* i am the onion that stings in your eyes
* i am the original mr. fix-it
* i am the paper cut that ruins your morning
* i am the parking meter that expires while you shop
* i am the pebble in the shoe of ignominy
* i am the pencil that breaks from signing too many autographs
* i am the pimple that forms before a really big date
* i am the pin that will burst your bubble
* i am the pitbull that bites the ankle of crime
* i am the plot twist in the second reel
* i am the principal you are sent to see
* i am the pustulus blister that bursts in your boot
* i am the quality time that ruins your play time
* i am the raspberry seed you can't floss out
* i am the repairman who tells you your warranty just ran out
* i am the rhinestones on the jump suit of justice
* i am the rust in the pipes of crime
* i am the sandtrap on the fairway of evil
* i am the schnauzer that digs up your petunias
* i am the scrubbing bubble to criminal scum
* i am the single career man all women want to date
* i am the slug that slimes your begonias
* i am the smoke that smokes smoked oysters
* i am the soap scum that lines your bathtub
* i am the special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show
* i am the spinach that sticks in your teeth
* i am the squeaky stair that gives away your presence
* i am the squashed bug on your flying saucer windshield
* i am the stain that can't be rubbed out
* i am the substantial and inescapable penalty for early withdrawal
* i am the super nova at the center of the universe
* i am the surprise in your cereal box
* i am the switch that derails your train
* i am the $10 service charge on all returned checks
* i am the termite that devours your floor boards
* i am the thing that goes bump in the night
* i am the tube of cadmium yellow that's impossible to open
* i am the water balloon that lands right on your head
* i am the weedwhacker in the garden of evil
* i am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus
* i am the widget missing from the easy to assemble swingset
* i am the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares
* i am the wrong number that wakes you at 3:00 a.m.
* i am the zit that forms when you got a really big date
bermuda's rating:

Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers (1989)
eps. 65. Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers 1988-90.
Disney's fun-loving chipmunks are reimagined as the leaders of a team of detectives/crime-fighters, rounding out the team are two mice, Gadget Hackwrench and Monterey Jack and Zipper, a fly.
Disney's fun-loving chipmunks are reimagined as the leaders of a team of detectives/crime-fighters, rounding out the team are two mice, Gadget Hackwrench and Monterey Jack and Zipper, a fly.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 65.(95 segments) Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears 1985-91.
A group of reclusive humanoid bears and a few trusted humans explore their lost heritage and prevent their enemies from exploiting it.
A group of reclusive humanoid bears and a few trusted humans explore their lost heritage and prevent their enemies from exploiting it.
bermuda's rating:

The World of David the Gnome (1985)
eps. 26. David the Gnome 1985.
The fantastic adventures of David and his wife Lisa traveling around the world to save the animals and defeating the trolls.
The fantastic adventures of David and his wife Lisa traveling around the world to save the animals and defeating the trolls.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 01. (3 min.) Yomigaeru Sora Pilot 2006.
eps. 12. omigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings 2006.
eps. 01. ova Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Episode 13 - A Last Job.
eps. 01. (3 min.) Yomigaeru Sora Pilot 2006.
Yomigaeru Sora was initially supposed to have a female protagonist with sharper animation. Due to Yuji Matsukura (J.C.Staff Executive Officer, Head of Production), Katsushi Sakurabi (Director), and Fumihiko Takayama (Series Composition) outvoting Kiyoshi Sugiyama (Producer), the story was changed to have a male protagonist with simpler animation.
eps. 12. omigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings 2006.
Kazuhiro Uchida is transferred to a rescue centre located in a small town while training to become a fighter pilot. Initially, Kazuhiro thinks negatively about his new occupation, due to the difficult missions and the harsh discipline he receives from his seniors. However, over the course of his training, he begins to accept the job for what it is and becomes a true member of the rescue force.
eps. 01. ova Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Episode 13 - A Last Job.
Episode 13 of Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings, released as a DVD special. Takes place before the events in the series.
eps. 12. omigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings 2006.
eps. 01. ova Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Episode 13 - A Last Job.
eps. 01. (3 min.) Yomigaeru Sora Pilot 2006.
Yomigaeru Sora was initially supposed to have a female protagonist with sharper animation. Due to Yuji Matsukura (J.C.Staff Executive Officer, Head of Production), Katsushi Sakurabi (Director), and Fumihiko Takayama (Series Composition) outvoting Kiyoshi Sugiyama (Producer), the story was changed to have a male protagonist with simpler animation.
eps. 12. omigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings 2006.
Kazuhiro Uchida is transferred to a rescue centre located in a small town while training to become a fighter pilot. Initially, Kazuhiro thinks negatively about his new occupation, due to the difficult missions and the harsh discipline he receives from his seniors. However, over the course of his training, he begins to accept the job for what it is and becomes a true member of the rescue force.
eps. 01. ova Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings Episode 13 - A Last Job.
Episode 13 of Yomigaeru Sora: Rescue Wings, released as a DVD special. Takes place before the events in the series.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 13. Made in Abyss 2017.
Movie 1 Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn 2019.
Movie 2 Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight 2019.
Movie 3 ?? Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul 2020?
eps. 13. Made in Abyss 2017.
The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface.
Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss.
Movie 1 Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn 2019.
First compilation movie of the TV series.
Movie 2 Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight 2019.
Second compilation movie of the TV series.
Movie 3 ?? Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul 2020?
The sequel film will premiere in January 2020.
Movie 1 Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn 2019.
Movie 2 Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight 2019.
Movie 3 ?? Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul 2020?
eps. 13. Made in Abyss 2017.
The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface.
Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss.
Movie 1 Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn 2019.
First compilation movie of the TV series.
Movie 2 Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight 2019.
Second compilation movie of the TV series.
Movie 3 ?? Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul 2020?
The sequel film will premiere in January 2020.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 07. Neo Yokio 2017.
Eps. 01. special Neo Yokio Pink Christmas 2018.
eps. 07. Neo Yokio 2017.
Welcome to Neo Yokio, the greatest city in the world. It's the most populous urban agglomeration in North America, but its prestige does not merely stem from its size. Neo Yokio is a diverse labyrinth of cultural and architectural innovation at the forefront of global fashion and finance. All of this is cold comfort to the lovesick Kaz Kaan (Jaden Smith), the youngest member of a family of: "magistocrats" - pink-haired demon slayers who once liberated the city. Today, his demon-slaying is barely more than a side-hustle coordinated by his Aunt Agatha (Susan Sarandon) - Kaz himself would rather concern himself with shopping, field hockey and - of course - mending his broken heart. Always by Kaz's side are his faithful mecha-butler, Charles (Jude Law), and his inseparable friends Lexy and Gottlieb (The Kid Mero and Desus Nice) as he navigates the complexities of life in Neo Yokio and tries to stay one step ahead of his arch-rival, Neo Yokio's number one most eligible bachelor, Arcangelo ...
Eps. 01. special Neo Yokio Pink Christmas 2018.
Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas features protagonist Kaz Kaan, who must defeat a giant sentient Christmas tree threatening the city of Neo Yokio. He also has to handle a Secret Santa competition, a visit by his Aunt Angelique, and plotting from Arcangelo
Eps. 01. special Neo Yokio Pink Christmas 2018.
eps. 07. Neo Yokio 2017.
Welcome to Neo Yokio, the greatest city in the world. It's the most populous urban agglomeration in North America, but its prestige does not merely stem from its size. Neo Yokio is a diverse labyrinth of cultural and architectural innovation at the forefront of global fashion and finance. All of this is cold comfort to the lovesick Kaz Kaan (Jaden Smith), the youngest member of a family of: "magistocrats" - pink-haired demon slayers who once liberated the city. Today, his demon-slaying is barely more than a side-hustle coordinated by his Aunt Agatha (Susan Sarandon) - Kaz himself would rather concern himself with shopping, field hockey and - of course - mending his broken heart. Always by Kaz's side are his faithful mecha-butler, Charles (Jude Law), and his inseparable friends Lexy and Gottlieb (The Kid Mero and Desus Nice) as he navigates the complexities of life in Neo Yokio and tries to stay one step ahead of his arch-rival, Neo Yokio's number one most eligible bachelor, Arcangelo ...
Eps. 01. special Neo Yokio Pink Christmas 2018.
Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas features protagonist Kaz Kaan, who must defeat a giant sentient Christmas tree threatening the city of Neo Yokio. He also has to handle a Secret Santa competition, a visit by his Aunt Angelique, and plotting from Arcangelo
bermuda's rating:

Rave Master (2001)... (2001)
(Semi-Prequel to Fairy Tail).
Eps. 51. Groove Adventure Rave AKA. Rave Master (2001-02)
Long ago, a war was waged between the forces of darkness and light as Dark Brings—stones containing dark power beyond human ability—put the world at risk with their destructive force. In order to stem the tide of darkness, a lone swordsman used holy power known as the Rave to destroy the source of every Dark Brings. The resulting explosion, which came to be known as the Overdrive, destroyed a tenth of the world; fragments of the Rave were scattered throughout.
Groove Adventure Rave takes place fifty years after the Overdrive. A group known as Demon Card has collected the remaining Dark Brings, using them to lay siege to a number of towns. Meanwhile, a young swordsman by the name of Haru Glory has inherited both the Rave and its guardian, Plue, making him the next Rave Master. With the aid of an amnesiac drifter by the name of Elie and a silver-manipulating blacksmith by the name of Musica, Haru must scour the world in search of the scattered Rave Stones and put an end to the Dark Brings and Demon Card for once and for all.
Eps. 51. Groove Adventure Rave AKA. Rave Master (2001-02)
Long ago, a war was waged between the forces of darkness and light as Dark Brings—stones containing dark power beyond human ability—put the world at risk with their destructive force. In order to stem the tide of darkness, a lone swordsman used holy power known as the Rave to destroy the source of every Dark Brings. The resulting explosion, which came to be known as the Overdrive, destroyed a tenth of the world; fragments of the Rave were scattered throughout.
Groove Adventure Rave takes place fifty years after the Overdrive. A group known as Demon Card has collected the remaining Dark Brings, using them to lay siege to a number of towns. Meanwhile, a young swordsman by the name of Haru Glory has inherited both the Rave and its guardian, Plue, making him the next Rave Master. With the aid of an amnesiac drifter by the name of Elie and a silver-manipulating blacksmith by the name of Musica, Haru must scour the world in search of the scattered Rave Stones and put an end to the Dark Brings and Demon Card for once and for all.
bermuda's rating:

High School DxD (2012)
High School DxD Season 1/2/3.
1.. eps. 12. High School DxD (2012)
1.1 eps. 02. High School DxD OVA (Ep.13-14)(2012-13)
2.. eps. 12. High School DxD New (2013)
2.1 eps. 01. High School DxD New OVA: Oppai, Tsutsumimasu! (Ep.13)(2015)
3.. eps. 12. High School DxD BorN (2015)
3.1 eps. 01. High School DxD BorN OVA: Yomigaeranai Fushichou (ep.13)(2015)
3.2 eps. 06. High School DxD BorN Specials (2015-16)
4.. eps. 01. High School DxD Hero Episode 0 (2018)
4.1 eps. 12. High School DxD Hero (2018)
High School DxD Season 1/2/3.
1.. eps. 12. High School DxD (2012)
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club.
Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!
1.1 eps. 02. High School DxD OVA (Ep.13-14)(2012-13)
#1: Oppai, Minorimasu! (Episode 13)
A rumor is going about the school about how girls are disappearing and coming back ill and with their breast size decreased.
#2: Oppai, Motomemasu! (Episode 14)
While observing how the others do their jobs so they can do theirs better, Issei and Asia go with Rias to see if a coffin is cursed. During the investigation Issei is possessed by an Egyptian magician named Unas, It just so happens that Unas is just as perverted as Issei. Unas will only leave Issei's body if they can release Unas from the curse placed on him by a devil that Unas tried to make his bride.
2.. eps. 12. High School DxD New (2013)
The misadventures of Issei Hyoudou, high school pervert and aspiring Harem King, continue on in High School DxD New. As the members of the Occult Research Club carry out their regular activities, it becomes increasingly obvious that there is something wrong with their Knight, the usually composed and alert Yuuto Kiba. Soon, Issei learns of Kiba's dark, bloody past and its connection to the mysterious Holy Swords. Once the subject of a cruel experiment, Kiba now seeks revenge on all those who wronged him.
With the return of an old enemy, as well as the appearance of two new, Holy Sword-wielding beauties, it isn't long before Issei and his Devil comrades are plunged into a twisted plot once more.
2.1 eps. 02. High School DxD New OVA: Oppai, Tsutsumimasu! (Ep.13)(2015)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.1.
3.. eps. 12. High School DxD BorN (2015)
The Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou, and the Occult Research Club are back in action as summer break comes for the students of Kuoh Academy. After their fight with Issei’s sworn enemy, Vali and the Chaos Brigade, it is clear just how inexperienced Rias Gremory's team is. As a result, she and Azazel lead the club on an intense training regime in the Underworld to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead.
While they slowly mature as a team, Issei will once again find himself in intimate situations with the girls of the Occult Research Club. Meanwhile, their adversaries grow stronger and more numerous as they rally their forces. And with the sudden appearance of Loki, the Evil God of Norse Mythology, the stage is set for epic fights and wickedly powerful devils in High School DxD BorN!
3.1 eps. 01. High School DxD BorN OVA: Yomigaeranai Fushichou (ep.13)(2015)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.2.
3.2 eps. 06. High School DxD BorN Specials (2015-16)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.2.
4.. eps. 01. High School DxD Hero Episode 0 (2018)
Alternative version of final three episodes of High School DxD BorN.
4.1 eps. 12. High School DxD Hero (2018)
The fourth season of High School DxD.
HERO, covers the second half of the The Heroic Oppai Dragon arc of the Light Novel in order by Ichiei Ishibumi himself. The new season will be produced by Passione, will be directed by Yoshifumi Sueda, series composition is Kenji Konuta, and characters by Makoto Uno.
1.. eps. 12. High School DxD (2012)
1.1 eps. 02. High School DxD OVA (Ep.13-14)(2012-13)
2.. eps. 12. High School DxD New (2013)
2.1 eps. 01. High School DxD New OVA: Oppai, Tsutsumimasu! (Ep.13)(2015)
3.. eps. 12. High School DxD BorN (2015)
3.1 eps. 01. High School DxD BorN OVA: Yomigaeranai Fushichou (ep.13)(2015)
3.2 eps. 06. High School DxD BorN Specials (2015-16)
4.. eps. 01. High School DxD Hero Episode 0 (2018)
4.1 eps. 12. High School DxD Hero (2018)
High School DxD Season 1/2/3.
1.. eps. 12. High School DxD (2012)
High school student Issei Hyoudou is your run-of-the-mill pervert who does nothing productive with his life, peeping on women and dreaming of having his own harem one day. Things seem to be looking up for Issei when a beautiful girl asks him out on a date, although she turns out to be a fallen angel who brutally kills him! However, he gets a second chance at life when beautiful senior student Rias Gremory, who is a top-class devil, revives him as her servant, recruiting Issei into the ranks of the school's Occult Research club.
Slowly adjusting to his new life, Issei must train and fight in order to survive in the violent world of angels and devils. Each new adventure leads to many hilarious (and risqué) moments with his new comrades, all the while keeping his new life a secret from his friends and family in High School DxD!
1.1 eps. 02. High School DxD OVA (Ep.13-14)(2012-13)
#1: Oppai, Minorimasu! (Episode 13)
A rumor is going about the school about how girls are disappearing and coming back ill and with their breast size decreased.
#2: Oppai, Motomemasu! (Episode 14)
While observing how the others do their jobs so they can do theirs better, Issei and Asia go with Rias to see if a coffin is cursed. During the investigation Issei is possessed by an Egyptian magician named Unas, It just so happens that Unas is just as perverted as Issei. Unas will only leave Issei's body if they can release Unas from the curse placed on him by a devil that Unas tried to make his bride.
2.. eps. 12. High School DxD New (2013)
The misadventures of Issei Hyoudou, high school pervert and aspiring Harem King, continue on in High School DxD New. As the members of the Occult Research Club carry out their regular activities, it becomes increasingly obvious that there is something wrong with their Knight, the usually composed and alert Yuuto Kiba. Soon, Issei learns of Kiba's dark, bloody past and its connection to the mysterious Holy Swords. Once the subject of a cruel experiment, Kiba now seeks revenge on all those who wronged him.
With the return of an old enemy, as well as the appearance of two new, Holy Sword-wielding beauties, it isn't long before Issei and his Devil comrades are plunged into a twisted plot once more.
2.1 eps. 02. High School DxD New OVA: Oppai, Tsutsumimasu! (Ep.13)(2015)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.1.
3.. eps. 12. High School DxD BorN (2015)
The Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou, and the Occult Research Club are back in action as summer break comes for the students of Kuoh Academy. After their fight with Issei’s sworn enemy, Vali and the Chaos Brigade, it is clear just how inexperienced Rias Gremory's team is. As a result, she and Azazel lead the club on an intense training regime in the Underworld to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead.
While they slowly mature as a team, Issei will once again find himself in intimate situations with the girls of the Occult Research Club. Meanwhile, their adversaries grow stronger and more numerous as they rally their forces. And with the sudden appearance of Loki, the Evil God of Norse Mythology, the stage is set for epic fights and wickedly powerful devils in High School DxD BorN!
3.1 eps. 01. High School DxD BorN OVA: Yomigaeranai Fushichou (ep.13)(2015)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.2.
3.2 eps. 06. High School DxD BorN Specials (2015-16)
Unaired anime episode bundled with the limited edition of High School DxD DX.2.
4.. eps. 01. High School DxD Hero Episode 0 (2018)
Alternative version of final three episodes of High School DxD BorN.
4.1 eps. 12. High School DxD Hero (2018)
The fourth season of High School DxD.
HERO, covers the second half of the The Heroic Oppai Dragon arc of the Light Novel in order by Ichiei Ishibumi himself. The new season will be produced by Passione, will be directed by Yoshifumi Sueda, series composition is Kenji Konuta, and characters by Makoto Uno.
bermuda's rating:

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (2017)
Tangled: The Series Aka: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
1. Tangled Movie (2010)
2. Tangled (Movie-Pilot Ep.) Bevore Ever After (2017)
3.. eps. 21. Season 1. Tangled: The Series (2017-18)
3.1 eps. ??. Season 2. Tangled: The Series (2018-19)
3.2 eps. 09. Tangled: Short Cuts (2017-18)
4. Short Tangled: Ever After (2012)
1. Tangled Movie (2010)
The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
2. Tangled (Movie-Pilot Ep.) Bevore Ever After (2017)
As Rapunzel prepares for her coronation as Princess of Corona, one unforgettable night will change her hair again!
3.. eps. 21. Season 1. Tangled: The Series (2017-18)
3.1 eps. ??. Season 2. Tangled: The Series (2018-19)
Since being freed from Mother Gothel and reunited with her birth parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna of Corona, Rapunzel adjusts to her life as their daughter and continues to have different misadventures with her boyfriend Eugene Fitzherbert, Pascal the Chameleon, Maximus the Horse, and her new handmaiden Cassandra, to uncover the mystery of her new 70-foot blonde hair's return.
The second season centers around Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cass's journey-accompanied by Lance, Hook Foot, and Shorty- to solve the mystery of the black rock spikes and unveil Rapunzel's connection to them. They are also aided by the mysterious sword-wielding Adira who hails from "the Dark Kingdom", from where Varian's father and the mystical rock spikes originated from. Rapunzel learns that the outside world isn't all fun and games.
3.2 eps. 09. Tangled: Short Cuts (2017-18)
Multi mini-episodes were released. Checkmate - Prison Bake - Make Me Smile - Hare Peace - Night Bite - Hiccup Fever - Snowball - Hairdon't - Unicorn-y...
4. Short Tangled: Ever After (2012)
Rapunzel and Flynn Rider have their wedding, but Pascal and Maximus must recover the rings they lose in mid-ceremony.
1. Tangled Movie (2010)
2. Tangled (Movie-Pilot Ep.) Bevore Ever After (2017)
3.. eps. 21. Season 1. Tangled: The Series (2017-18)
3.1 eps. ??. Season 2. Tangled: The Series (2018-19)
3.2 eps. 09. Tangled: Short Cuts (2017-18)
4. Short Tangled: Ever After (2012)
1. Tangled Movie (2010)
The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
2. Tangled (Movie-Pilot Ep.) Bevore Ever After (2017)
As Rapunzel prepares for her coronation as Princess of Corona, one unforgettable night will change her hair again!
3.. eps. 21. Season 1. Tangled: The Series (2017-18)
3.1 eps. ??. Season 2. Tangled: The Series (2018-19)
Since being freed from Mother Gothel and reunited with her birth parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna of Corona, Rapunzel adjusts to her life as their daughter and continues to have different misadventures with her boyfriend Eugene Fitzherbert, Pascal the Chameleon, Maximus the Horse, and her new handmaiden Cassandra, to uncover the mystery of her new 70-foot blonde hair's return.
The second season centers around Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cass's journey-accompanied by Lance, Hook Foot, and Shorty- to solve the mystery of the black rock spikes and unveil Rapunzel's connection to them. They are also aided by the mysterious sword-wielding Adira who hails from "the Dark Kingdom", from where Varian's father and the mystical rock spikes originated from. Rapunzel learns that the outside world isn't all fun and games.
3.2 eps. 09. Tangled: Short Cuts (2017-18)
Multi mini-episodes were released. Checkmate - Prison Bake - Make Me Smile - Hare Peace - Night Bite - Hiccup Fever - Snowball - Hairdon't - Unicorn-y...
4. Short Tangled: Ever After (2012)
Rapunzel and Flynn Rider have their wedding, but Pascal and Maximus must recover the rings they lose in mid-ceremony.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 18. Season 1&2: The Dragon Prince 2018-19.
eps. 18. Season 1&2: The Dragon Prince 2018-19.
Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
eps. 18. Season 1&2: The Dragon Prince 2018-19.
Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
bermuda's rating:

First : Trollhunters. 2016-18.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. 52. (Season 1-3) Trollhunters 2016-18.
Trollhunters would be the first chapter in a trilogy of television series entitled Tales of Arcadia. The story was continued in a science fiction inspired follow-up series entitled 3Below: Tales of Arcadia, and the trilogy will be concluded in a third and final fantasy series entitled Wizards.
Part 1 (Season 1).
After being dubbed the first human Trollhunter, James "Jim" Lake Jr., reluctantly, begins to lead a double life with best friend Tobias "Toby" Domzalski at his side, along with gaining mentors from the trolls Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!. Jim faces hostility and resentment not just from other trolls, but from other humans during school time as well. The adventures of Jim and Toby become interrupted when Claire Nuñez gets dragged into the life, kicking and screaming, as well.
Part 2 (Season 2).
Jim faces repercussions for his actions by going into the Darklands. Blinky deals with old family wounds as the rest of Trollmarket deals with a possible mole among them. Things are not made easier when Steve Palchuk and Eli Pepperjack begin to stumble upon Jim's double life, on top of the pressures of high school.
Part 3 (Season 3).
It's the end of sophomore year at Arcadia High: Jim's double life has taken its toll on his mother as Claire experiences trouble from an ancient sorceress. The final battle is looming over the trio as Jim and Claire begin to grow closer in their relationship, and graduation is upon them.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. 52. (Season 1-3) Trollhunters 2016-18.
Trollhunters would be the first chapter in a trilogy of television series entitled Tales of Arcadia. The story was continued in a science fiction inspired follow-up series entitled 3Below: Tales of Arcadia, and the trilogy will be concluded in a third and final fantasy series entitled Wizards.
Part 1 (Season 1).
After being dubbed the first human Trollhunter, James "Jim" Lake Jr., reluctantly, begins to lead a double life with best friend Tobias "Toby" Domzalski at his side, along with gaining mentors from the trolls Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!. Jim faces hostility and resentment not just from other trolls, but from other humans during school time as well. The adventures of Jim and Toby become interrupted when Claire Nuñez gets dragged into the life, kicking and screaming, as well.
Part 2 (Season 2).
Jim faces repercussions for his actions by going into the Darklands. Blinky deals with old family wounds as the rest of Trollmarket deals with a possible mole among them. Things are not made easier when Steve Palchuk and Eli Pepperjack begin to stumble upon Jim's double life, on top of the pressures of high school.
Part 3 (Season 3).
It's the end of sophomore year at Arcadia High: Jim's double life has taken its toll on his mother as Claire experiences trouble from an ancient sorceress. The final battle is looming over the trio as Jim and Claire begin to grow closer in their relationship, and graduation is upon them.
bermuda's rating:

First : Trollhunters. 2016-18.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. 13. 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
A pair of teenage royals and their bodyguard escape from their home planet and try to blend in on Earth.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. 13. 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
A pair of teenage royals and their bodyguard escape from their home planet and try to blend in on Earth.
bermuda's rating:

Wizards: Tales of Arcadia (2020)
First : Trollhunters. 2016-18.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. ?? Wizards 2019.
The heroes of Arcadia join forces in an apocalyptic war for the control of magic that will decide the fate of the entire galaxy.
Second: 3Below :Tales of Arcadia. 2018.
Third : Wizards. 2019.
eps. ?? Wizards 2019.
The heroes of Arcadia join forces in an apocalyptic war for the control of magic that will decide the fate of the entire galaxy.
bermuda's rating:

Eps. 10. The Hollow 2018.
Eps. ??. The hollow 2019?
3 teen strangers awaken in a dangerous world and try to make sense of what connection they have to each other as they attempt to make it out alive.
Eps. ??. The hollow 2019?
3 teen strangers awaken in a dangerous world and try to make sense of what connection they have to each other as they attempt to make it out alive.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 26. Lost In Oz (1916-18).
When 12-year-old Dorothy Gale discovers her mother's mysterious journal in her Kansas home, she and her dog, Toto, are transported into a bustling, modern Emerald City.
Disoriented and determined to get home, Dorothy embarks on an epic journey with West, a young witch, and Ojo, a giant Munchkin, to seek the magic she needs - as Oz faces its greatest magic crisis. (Episodes 1-13)
Dorothy and Toto, working together with their friends, must find their way out of the Deadly Desert and save Emerald City from the Nome Kingdom to have any chance of getting back to Kansas. (Episodes 14-26).
When 12-year-old Dorothy Gale discovers her mother's mysterious journal in her Kansas home, she and her dog, Toto, are transported into a bustling, modern Emerald City.
Disoriented and determined to get home, Dorothy embarks on an epic journey with West, a young witch, and Ojo, a giant Munchkin, to seek the magic she needs - as Oz faces its greatest magic crisis. (Episodes 1-13)
Dorothy and Toto, working together with their friends, must find their way out of the Deadly Desert and save Emerald City from the Nome Kingdom to have any chance of getting back to Kansas. (Episodes 14-26).
bermuda's rating:

eps. 52. Alfred J. Kwak 1989-91.
After a horrific car accident takes the life of his parents and siblings, a young duckling is raised by his considerate "uncle".
After a horrific car accident takes the life of his parents and siblings, a young duckling is raised by his considerate "uncle".
bermuda's rating:

Sym-Bionic Titan (2010)
eps. 20. Sym-Bionic Titan 2010-11.
Three young alien beings with the ability to form a giant robotic warrior attempt to blend into suburbia, all while battling the tyrannical forces that ravaged their home world.
Three young alien beings with the ability to form a giant robotic warrior attempt to blend into suburbia, all while battling the tyrannical forces that ravaged their home world.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 75. Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On 2016-17.
In a world where people and monsters are at odds, some learn to coexist. Known as Riders, they awaken the powers of monsters and live alongside them in secrecy. Now, one young boy journeys to find his own companion and become the world's greatest Rider.
In a world where people and monsters are at odds, some learn to coexist. Known as Riders, they awaken the powers of monsters and live alongside them in secrecy. Now, one young boy journeys to find his own companion and become the world's greatest Rider.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 89. Puzzle & Dragons X (Puzzle And Dragons Cross) 2016-18.
Dorogoza Island is rich in "Drop Energy" that players can use on friendly monsters. Once strong enough, they can face enemies in puzzle wars. Winners reap rewards, but what happens to the losers? Only the brave can take on these monstrous challenges!
Dorogoza Island is rich in "Drop Energy" that players can use on friendly monsters. Once strong enough, they can face enemies in puzzle wars. Winners reap rewards, but what happens to the losers? Only the brave can take on these monstrous challenges!
bermuda's rating:

eps. 26. Green Lantern: The Animated Series 2011-13.
Computer-animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Green Lantern.
This was the first Green Lantern television series and the first CGI DC/WB series. The series was cancelled after one season due to poor toy sales from the live-action movie, and because Cartoon Network wanted to emphasize new shows in its "DC Nation" block.
The series focuses on the adventures of Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, and his partner Kilowog. Hal Jordan travels to "Frontier Space" the region of space at the edge of the Guardians' territory, where Green Lanterns are being picked off by the Red Lanterns. Atrocitus, their leader, wants revenge for the destruction of his world by the Manhunters, the now-decommissioned android enforcers of the Guardians. Afer defeating Atrocitus, Hal and Kilowog adopt Razer, a maverick Red Lantern into their fold. Their next great threat is the Anti-Monitor, who seeks to literally consume the Universe.
Computer-animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Green Lantern.
This was the first Green Lantern television series and the first CGI DC/WB series. The series was cancelled after one season due to poor toy sales from the live-action movie, and because Cartoon Network wanted to emphasize new shows in its "DC Nation" block.
The series focuses on the adventures of Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern of Sector 2814, and his partner Kilowog. Hal Jordan travels to "Frontier Space" the region of space at the edge of the Guardians' territory, where Green Lanterns are being picked off by the Red Lanterns. Atrocitus, their leader, wants revenge for the destruction of his world by the Manhunters, the now-decommissioned android enforcers of the Guardians. Afer defeating Atrocitus, Hal and Kilowog adopt Razer, a maverick Red Lantern into their fold. Their next great threat is the Anti-Monitor, who seeks to literally consume the Universe.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 20. Disenchantment 2018
Princess Tiabeanie, 'Bean', is annoyed at her imminent arranged marriage to Prince Merkimer. Then she meets Luci, a demon, and Elfo, an elf, and things get rather exciting, and dangerous.
Princess Tiabeanie, 'Bean', is annoyed at her imminent arranged marriage to Prince Merkimer. Then she meets Luci, a demon, and Elfo, an elf, and things get rather exciting, and dangerous.
bermuda's rating:

Movie The Boss Baby 2017.
A suit-wearing, briefcase-carrying baby pairs up with his 7-year old brother to stop the dastardly plot of the CEO of Puppy Co.
Movie The Boss Baby and Tim's Treasure Hunt Through Time 2017.
Join the fun as Boss Baby and Tim battle pirates, travel through outer space, swim deep into the sea, and go toe-to-toe with some ferocious dinosaurs.
eps. 37.(S1-S3) The Boss Baby: Back in Business 2018-20.
With a little help from his brother and accomplice, Tim, Boss Baby tries to balance family life with his job at Baby Corp headquarters.
A suit-wearing, briefcase-carrying baby pairs up with his 7-year old brother to stop the dastardly plot of the CEO of Puppy Co.
Movie The Boss Baby and Tim's Treasure Hunt Through Time 2017.
Join the fun as Boss Baby and Tim battle pirates, travel through outer space, swim deep into the sea, and go toe-to-toe with some ferocious dinosaurs.
eps. 37.(S1-S3) The Boss Baby: Back in Business 2018-20.
With a little help from his brother and accomplice, Tim, Boss Baby tries to balance family life with his job at Baby Corp headquarters.
bermuda's rating:

A Sister's All You Need (2017)
eps. 12. A Sister's All You Need 2017.
eps. 08. ONA A Sister's All You Need 2017.
eps. 12. A Sister's All You Need 2017.
Itsuki Hashima is a light novelist obsessed with little sisters, strictly focusing on them when he writes his stories. Despite his personality, he is surrounded by a tight circle of friends: Nayuta Kani, a genius yet perverted novelist who is in love with him; Haruto Fuwa, a fellow male author whose work has seen considerable success; Miyako Shirakawa, a good friend that he met in college; and Chihiro, his perfect younger step-brother who takes care of the housework and cooking.
Together, they play strange games, go on spontaneous journeys, crack silly jokes, and celebrate each other's successes. However, each individual must also deal with their own issues, whether it is struggling to meet a deadline or coming to terms with traumatic events buried in their past.
eps. 08. ONA A Sister's All You Need 2017.
Original 6 "chibi" styled animations of Imouto sae Ireba Ii. posted on the anime's official Twitter channel. Also included on the BD/DVD releases. +
Two additional episodes of Imouto sae Ireba Ii. (ONA) released exclusively on the BD/DVD volumes.
eps. 08. ONA A Sister's All You Need 2017.
eps. 12. A Sister's All You Need 2017.
Itsuki Hashima is a light novelist obsessed with little sisters, strictly focusing on them when he writes his stories. Despite his personality, he is surrounded by a tight circle of friends: Nayuta Kani, a genius yet perverted novelist who is in love with him; Haruto Fuwa, a fellow male author whose work has seen considerable success; Miyako Shirakawa, a good friend that he met in college; and Chihiro, his perfect younger step-brother who takes care of the housework and cooking.
Together, they play strange games, go on spontaneous journeys, crack silly jokes, and celebrate each other's successes. However, each individual must also deal with their own issues, whether it is struggling to meet a deadline or coming to terms with traumatic events buried in their past.
eps. 08. ONA A Sister's All You Need 2017.
Original 6 "chibi" styled animations of Imouto sae Ireba Ii. posted on the anime's official Twitter channel. Also included on the BD/DVD releases. +
Two additional episodes of Imouto sae Ireba Ii. (ONA) released exclusively on the BD/DVD volumes.
bermuda's rating:

Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal (2019)
eps. 06. Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal 2019-20.
Primal features a caveman at the dawn of evolution. A dinosaur on the brink of extinction. Bonded by tragedy, this unlikely friendship becomes the only hope of survival in a violent, primordial world.
Primal features a caveman at the dawn of evolution. A dinosaur on the brink of extinction. Bonded by tragedy, this unlikely friendship becomes the only hope of survival in a violent, primordial world.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 12. Drifting Dragons 2020.
Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and food. There are those who hunt the dragons. They travel the skies in dragon-hunting airships. This is the story of one of those ships, the “Quin Zaza,” and its crew.
It's time to see what dragon tastes like. The crew of the airship Queen Zaza makes their living hunting dragons. Succeed, and the reward is riches and all the meat they can eat.
Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and food. There are those who hunt the dragons. They travel the skies in dragon-hunting airships. This is the story of one of those ships, the “Quin Zaza,” and its crew.
It's time to see what dragon tastes like. The crew of the airship Queen Zaza makes their living hunting dragons. Succeed, and the reward is riches and all the meat they can eat.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 24. Vinland Saga 2019.
Thorfinn pursues a journey with his father's killer in order to take revenge and end his life in a duel as an honorable warrior and pay his father a homage.
Thorfinn pursues a journey with his father's killer in order to take revenge and end his life in a duel as an honorable warrior and pay his father a homage.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 24. Dropkick on My Devil!! 2018.
Yurine is a delusional gothic lolita who summons a demon girl with the tail of a cobra, Jashin-chan. They'll have to live together - until Yurine finds a way to send Jashin-chan back to hell, or until Jashin-chan kills Yurine.
Yurine is a delusional gothic lolita who summons a demon girl with the tail of a cobra, Jashin-chan. They'll have to live together - until Yurine finds a way to send Jashin-chan back to hell, or until Jashin-chan kills Yurine.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 78. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir 2015-20.
eps. 06. specials. 2015-2020.
eps. 78. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir 2015-20.
Marinette and Adrien, two normal teens, transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir when an evil threatens their city.
eps. 06. specials. 2015-2020.
eps. 78. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir 2015-20.
Marinette and Adrien, two normal teens, transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir when an evil threatens their city.
bermuda's rating:

Log Horizon (2013)
eps. 25.(+recap ep06.5) Log Horizon 2013-20.
eps. 25. Season 02. Log Horizon 2014-15.
eps. 12. Season 03. Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table 2020.
eps. 25.(+recap ep06.5) Log Horizon 2013-20.
In the blink of an eye, thirty thousand bewildered Japanese gamers are whisked from their everyday lives into the world of the popular MMORPG, Elder Tale, after the game's latest update—unable to log out. Among them is the socially awkward college student Shiroe, whose confusion and shock lasts only a moment as, a veteran of the game, he immediately sets out to explore the limits of his new reality.
Shiroe must learn to live in this new world, leading others and negotiating with the NPC "natives" in order to bring stability to the virtual city of Akihabara. He is joined by his unfortunate friend Naotsugu, having logged in for the first time in years only to find himself trapped, and Akatsuki, a petite but fierce assassin who labels Shiroe as her master. A tale of fantasy, adventure, and politics, Log Horizon explores the elements of gaming through the eyes of a master strategist who attempts to make the best of a puzzling situation.
eps. 25. Log Horizon Season 2
After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city.
As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home.
eps. 25. Season 02. Log Horizon 2014-15.
eps. 12. Season 03. Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table 2020.
eps. 25.(+recap ep06.5) Log Horizon 2013-20.
In the blink of an eye, thirty thousand bewildered Japanese gamers are whisked from their everyday lives into the world of the popular MMORPG, Elder Tale, after the game's latest update—unable to log out. Among them is the socially awkward college student Shiroe, whose confusion and shock lasts only a moment as, a veteran of the game, he immediately sets out to explore the limits of his new reality.
Shiroe must learn to live in this new world, leading others and negotiating with the NPC "natives" in order to bring stability to the virtual city of Akihabara. He is joined by his unfortunate friend Naotsugu, having logged in for the first time in years only to find himself trapped, and Akatsuki, a petite but fierce assassin who labels Shiroe as her master. A tale of fantasy, adventure, and politics, Log Horizon explores the elements of gaming through the eyes of a master strategist who attempts to make the best of a puzzling situation.
eps. 25. Log Horizon Season 2
After being trapped in the world of Elder Tale for six months, Shiroe and the other Adventurers have begun to get the hang of things in their new environment. The Adventurers are starting to gain the trust of the People of the Land, and Akiba has flourished thanks to the law and order established by Shiroe's Round Table Alliance, regaining its everyday liveliness. Despite this success, however, the Alliance faces a new crisis: they are running out of funds to govern Akiba, and spies from the Minami district have infiltrated the city.
As formidable forces rise in other districts, there is also a need to discover more about the vast new world they are trapped in—leading Shiroe to decide that the time has come to venture outside the city. Accompanied by his friend Naotsugu and the Sage of Mirror Lake Regan, the calculative Shiroe makes his move, hoping to unravel new possibilities and eventually find a way home.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 10. Season 1: The Hollow 2018.
eps. 10. Season 2: The Hollow 2020.
eps. 10. Season 1: The Hollow 2018.
Season 1: Three teen strangers awaken in a dangerous world and try to make sense of what connection they have to each other as they attempt to make it out alive.
eps. 10. Season 2: The Hollow 2020.
Season 2: Adam, Kai and Mira wake up in a place that is visually identical to their homes, but they still believe they are in the Hollow.
eps. 10. Season 2: The Hollow 2020.
eps. 10. Season 1: The Hollow 2018.
Season 1: Three teen strangers awaken in a dangerous world and try to make sense of what connection they have to each other as they attempt to make it out alive.
eps. 10. Season 2: The Hollow 2020.
Season 2: Adam, Kai and Mira wake up in a place that is visually identical to their homes, but they still believe they are in the Hollow.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 1 2007-08.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 2 The Seven Dragons of the Heavens. 2008-09.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 1 2007-08.
Season 1: As Shu's village was being attacked by an unknown enemy, he and his friends, Jiro and Kluke decide to defend their home. They soon meet warrior Zola and receive the powers of Shadow, an ability that let's them transform their shadow into a powerful monster. Shu receives one of the most powerful monsters, Blue Dragon, and they all set out to defeat their enemy.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 2 The Seven Dragons of the Heavens. 2008-09.
Season 2: Blue Dragon: The Seven Dragons of the Heavens.
After the events of the Blue Dragon series, Shu and Bouquet join a resistance group to fight General Rogi's army of invasion.They encounter a mysterious child , Noi, who has the power to revive Shu's shadow counter-part Blue Dragon, and save her from the pursuit of a red dragon. Now Shu and his company have to set foot once again on a journey to discover the purpose of the dragons, undergo their tests and stop the chains of events which threatens the fate of humanity.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 2 The Seven Dragons of the Heavens. 2008-09.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 1 2007-08.
Season 1: As Shu's village was being attacked by an unknown enemy, he and his friends, Jiro and Kluke decide to defend their home. They soon meet warrior Zola and receive the powers of Shadow, an ability that let's them transform their shadow into a powerful monster. Shu receives one of the most powerful monsters, Blue Dragon, and they all set out to defeat their enemy.
eps. 51. Blue Dragon Season 2 The Seven Dragons of the Heavens. 2008-09.
Season 2: Blue Dragon: The Seven Dragons of the Heavens.
After the events of the Blue Dragon series, Shu and Bouquet join a resistance group to fight General Rogi's army of invasion.They encounter a mysterious child , Noi, who has the power to revive Shu's shadow counter-part Blue Dragon, and save her from the pursuit of a red dragon. Now Shu and his company have to set foot once again on a journey to discover the purpose of the dragons, undergo their tests and stop the chains of events which threatens the fate of humanity.
bermuda's rating:

Dragon Drive (2002)
eps. 38. Dragon Drive 2002
A teen boy named Reiji is introduced to a virtual reality game called Dragon Drive, where he meets Chibisuke, a dragon who the creator's of the game have no info in their database on. Reiji learns soon enough that Chibisuke and him are the only ones that can save the world from evil.
A teen boy named Reiji is introduced to a virtual reality game called Dragon Drive, where he meets Chibisuke, a dragon who the creator's of the game have no info in their database on. Reiji learns soon enough that Chibisuke and him are the only ones that can save the world from evil.
bermuda's rating:

eps. 51. Dragon collection 2014-15
Through an unexpected turn of events, an ordinary elementary school student, Hiro Enryuu, finds himself in the world of the "Dragon Collection" game. This is a world called Dragon Earth, where gods, humans, and monsters exist side by side. Those who roam this world using a magic book, called a Grimoire, and cards to summon monsters and search for treasures that bear the powers of dragons are called Dracolle Battlers. Despite his bewilderment, Hiro becomes a Dracolle Battler and, together with the friends he meets there, begins his adventure to become a legendary Dragon Master!
Through an unexpected turn of events, an ordinary elementary school student, Hiro Enryuu, finds himself in the world of the "Dragon Collection" game. This is a world called Dragon Earth, where gods, humans, and monsters exist side by side. Those who roam this world using a magic book, called a Grimoire, and cards to summon monsters and search for treasures that bear the powers of dragons are called Dracolle Battlers. Despite his bewilderment, Hiro becomes a Dracolle Battler and, together with the friends he meets there, begins his adventure to become a legendary Dragon Master!
bermuda's rating:

eps. 10. Season 1 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
eps. 10. Season 2 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
eps. 10. Season 1 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
Kipo, a sheltered girl, gets a crash course in survival when a mutant attack sends her to the surface, far from the safety of her underground home.
eps. 10. Season 2 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
Making her way in a world of mutant animals, a sheltered yet scrappy girl learns to survive — and discovers her powers — with help from a ragtag crew.
eps. 10. Season 2 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
eps. 10. Season 1 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
Kipo, a sheltered girl, gets a crash course in survival when a mutant attack sends her to the surface, far from the safety of her underground home.
eps. 10. Season 2 Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 2020
Making her way in a world of mutant animals, a sheltered yet scrappy girl learns to survive — and discovers her powers — with help from a ragtag crew.
bermuda's rating: