Lillo Brancato
Birth Name: Lillo Brancato, Jr.
Age: 48, born 30 March 1976
Country of origin: Colombia
Currently Residing In: United States
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Accused Murderers: Where are they Now?
(10 items)list by Brian G
Published 8 years, 7 months ago
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Colombian-born American Actor, known for his performance as "Calogero Anello" in Robert De Niro's 1993 directorial debut, A Bronx Tale. He also played Matthew Bevilaqua, a young mobster on The Sopranos.
In December 2005, Brancato was charged with second-degree murder for his role in a burglary in the Bronx, New York in which an off-duty police officer, Daniel Enchautegui, confronted two burglars and was killed in a shootout. Brancato was subsequently acquitted of murder, but was convicted of first-degree attempted burglary and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was released on parole on December 31, 2013. Co-defend
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Brian G added this to a list 8 years, 7 months ago
Accused Murderers: Where are they Now? (10 person items)
" Found guilty on the burglary charge, Brancato was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and served four, being released in December 2013. He booked his first post-jail film role, in 2016's Back in the Day, about a year later."