Kathrin Kühnel
Birth Name: Kathrin Kühnel
Age: 47, born 10 January 1977
Country of origin: Germany
Currently Residing In: Germany
Height: 5' 0"
Relationship Status: Single
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After graduation Kathrin Kiihnel moved to Berlin. However, originally, to devote himself to painting, she discovered a year later, her talent for acting. She placed successfully in 1997 when Liz theater before. Two years later she was in the 1999 film The surveyor for the first time on camera. 2001 followed with the film Be.Angeled the first movie. Their training in vocal training, she completed at Margaret stone houses in Berlin and in the theater with Professor Michael Keller, also in Berlin. In addition to her acting Kathrin Kiihnel studied psychology.
In 2003, the Kiihnel Günter Strack TV Award for Best Actress for her r
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